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Welcome Back to The Juicy Language of Text!
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The Juicy Language of Text in High School
Global Neutral a Global Warm Neutral d3d1c8 Global Accent On Dark ffbf00 Global Accent on Light ff9800 Global Accent Alt 97c410 ELA - Coral ff5147 Math 009f93 Leadership 7872bf Leadership Pathway The Juicy Language of Text in High School 210 min - Note that this includes a longer survey time: 12 minutes this afternoon Materials: Post-its on tables, chart paper, markers Index cards (to use for Exit Tickets) Red, Yellow, Green Dots stickers Handouts: 1818 paragraph 2 videos - Be sure to have loaded the video prior to participants’ arrival by opening the link and letting it begin to run. This should then have the video ready to view without buffering. 4 min Video of Lily Wong Fillmore- 14 min video of 9th grade class Summer 2016
Objectives Participants will be able to: Determine the role of syntax in complex text Close-read and dissect text at the sentence level with Juicy Sentences Observe and analyze instruction for evidence of standards and shifts Agenda Opening Naming the Challenge Deconstructing Juicy Sentences Instructional Video Observation Coaching Practice 1 min Speaker Notes: This session takes us into the role that syntax plays in students’ ability to access complex text. We will hear from expert Lily Wong Fillmore and learn how to help struggling readers by dissecting text at the sentence level. We will close this session with a culminating video observation exercise, practicing observing for the standards, the shifts, TDQs.
Take responsibility for yourself as a learner
THE JUICY LANGUAGE OF TEXT IN HIGH SCHOOL Norms That Support Our Learning Take responsibility for yourself as a learner Honor timeframes (start, end, activity) Be an active and hands-on learner Use technology to enhance learning Strive for equity of voice Contribute to a learning environment in which it is “safe to not know” 1 min Speaker Notes Review the norms and ask for additional recommendations regarding norms from the audience
The “Juicy” Language of Text Dr. Lily Wong Fillmore
THE JUICY LANGUAGE OF TEXT IN HIGH SCHOOL The “Juicy” Language of Text Dr. Lily Wong Fillmore Watch the video and note… What challenges does complex text present for educators? What does she recommend to address the challenges? What resonates most with you about her message? 16 minutes 2 min - Set purpose and context We are going to jump back into BoH and text-dependent questions from a different angle and with a deeper purpose. We have been looking at this text using reading standards to answer questions to measure comprehension and craft. But there is a lot more to this text and ensuring that all students are able to access grade-level appropriate text in class. We are going to get into something called “juicy sentences,” but to set the tone, we are first going to listen to a short piece from Dr. Lily Wong Fillmore, who is the Jerome A. Hutto Professor of Education at UC Berkeley. Much of her research has focused on issues related to the education of language minority students in American schools. Her professional specializations are second-language learning and teaching, the education of language minority students, and the socialization of children for learning across cultures. In this video, she describes how text complexity is important to not only ELL’s, but for all student populations. <Click> to show the guiding questions 4 min - watch the video. 10 min – tables discuss and then whole group discuss questions posed.
Juicy Sentence Syntax Read the text. Craft your own definition of syntax based on what you read. Read and annotate the article. What makes a sentence juicy? What instructional opportunities does the juicy sentence provide? 23 min Speaker Notes: Hand out or direct participants to the 1818 Paragraph. 4 min - Participants read Mr. Cobbett’s definition, and then write their own definition down below 4 min share out 1-2 definitions <Click> for Juicy Sentence 5 min - Turn to the Juicy Sentence Blog. With that definition and understanding in mind. This blog describes an instructional move from Fillmore’s work to help student tackle complex sentences in context. Participants read and annotate in response to the questions on the slide. 10 min – whole group discusses.
pronouns adjectives irregular plural noun abstract noun irregular verb simple verb tenses pronoun-antecedent agreement comparative and superlative adjectives comparative and superlative adverbs possessives suffixes 2 min Speaker Notes: To work with students around juicy sentences at the Grade 9 level, here is some of the vocabulary you have to know. We aren’t going to test you on this knowledge, but raise your hand if you could identify all 11 in a text without going back to find some definitions? The point is, to help our students become proficient readers, there is some backwork we have to do as teachers. And we can do that in the context of the text with Juicy language work. IMAGE CREDITS
Francis Macomber had, half an hour before, been carried to his tent from the edge of the camp in triumph on the arms and shoulders of the cook, the personal boys, the skinner, and the porters. triumph personal boys skinner porters had been carried to his tent (half an hour before) carried to his tent from the edge of camp (half an hour before) 5 min Speaker Notes: Once reading and much of word recognition is automatic, reliable and fluent, cognitive capacity is available for making meaning from the text. Figuring out the less familiar word(s) (triumph) Understanding known word in new contexts (skinner, porter, personal + boys) Understanding syntax “…, half an hour before, …” Transition: Consider how difficult the meaning-making is when the cognitive capacity is employed sounding out words that are not recognized on sight. To gain full understanding of what the text explicitly says, students must have the cognitive ability to deconstruct the text at the sentence level.
Practice… They are, he thought, the hardest in the world; the hardest, the cruelest, the most predatory and the most attractive, and their men have softened or gone to pieces nervously as they have hardened. 1. Copy the sentence. 2. What do you think this sentence means? 3. Write other things that you notice. 4. Write a new sentence mimicking the author’s structure. 13 min Speaker Notes: So let’s this knowledge to work. 8 min Participants are asked to try the work that is asked of the students. In this way, participants can take a deep dive into the structure of the lesson as well as start thinking about knowledge required for teachers about grammar and the standards. Have them share their sentences with a partner. 5 min Debrief the process - Copy the sentence. WHY do this? Ask for volunteers (it really makes them slow down, pay attention to the words and to the punctuation) Write what the sentence means. WHY? (so they realize whether they can really grasp the meaning of this sentence without going back to the text) Write other things you notice about the sentence and wonderings you have. WHY? (It gives you some quick formative assessment information and makes the students look more closely at the sentence) Transition: We’re going to deconstruct this Juicy sentence. Based on our deconstruction, see how closely you understood the author’s structure and how closely you mimicked it in your own sentence. IMAGE CREDITS
Macomber Juicy Sentence Deconstruction
THE JUICY LANGUAGE OF TEXT IN HIGH SCHOOL Macomber Juicy Sentence Deconstruction “I’ve dropped the whole thing,” she said, sitting down at the table. “What importance is there to whether Francis is good at killing lions? That’s not his trade. Mr. Wilson is really impressive killing anything. You do kill anything, don’t you?” “Oh, anything,” said Wilson. “Simply anything.” They are, he thought, the hardest in the world; (6) “I’ve dropped the whole thing,” she said, sitting down at the table. “What importance is there to whether Francis is good at killing lions? That’s not his trade. Mr. Wilson is really impressive killing anything. You do kill anything, don’t you?” “Oh, anything,” said Wilson. “Simply anything.” They are he thought the hardest in the world; (5) They are, he thought, the hardest in the world; the hardest, the cruelest, the most predatory and the most attractive and their men have softened or gone to pieces nervously as they have hardened. (12) the hardest, the cruelest, the most predatory and the most attractive and their men have softened or gone to pieces nervously as they have hardened. (8) They are, he thought, the hardest in the world; the hardest, the cruelest the most predatory and the most attractive and their men have softened or gone to pieces nervously as they have hardened. (3) They are, he thought, the hardest in the world; the hardest, the cruelest, the most predatory and the most attractive and their men have softened or gone to pieces nervously as they have hardened. (7) They are, he thought, the hardest in the world; the hardest, the cruelest, the most predatory and the most attractive and their men have softened or gone to pieces nervously as they have hardened. (13) They are, he thought, the hardest in the world; (4) They are he thought the hardest in the world the hardest the cruelest the most predatory and the most attractive and their men have softened or gone to pieces nervously as they have hardened. (2) They are, he thought, the hardest in the world; the hardest, the cruelest, the most predatory and the most attractive and their men have softened or gone to pieces nervously as they have hardened. (1) They (women) are the hardest, the cruelest, the most predatory and the most attractive and their men have softened or gone to pieces nervously as they have hardened. (9) They are, he thought, the hardest, the cruelest, the most predatory and the most attractive and their men have softened or gone to pieces nervously as they have hardened. (11) They are, he thought, the hardest, the cruelest, the most predatory and the most attractive and their men have softened or gone to pieces nervously as they have hardened. (10) 10 min Speaker Notes: Tons of Clicking here <Click> 1st read - all the way through <Click> 2nd read - without punctuation for fluency/syntax issues <Click> 3rd read addresses the importance of pausing at commas, and the sentence break with the semi-colon (which separates two full related sentences). <Click> 4th read - takes a look at the first sentence portion with subject verb, and noting who “they” and “he” are. Who is they? <Click> 5th read - in this case “they” refers to women, ask Macomber’s wife was talking in the previous paragraph. Who is “he”? <Click> 6th read - What does Wilson think about women? (they are the hardest in the world). Why “hardest?” what does that mean? <Click> 7th read - And then you notice that “hardest is repeated over and over here) <Click> 8th read - To get a better understanding, let’s take a look at the sentence after the semi-colon. Where is the subject? (there really is none - he begins the sentence with “the hardest” - but what is the hardest? <Click> 9th read - they (women) are… What words stand out that we can see capture what he thinks about women here? <Click> 10th read - (hardest, cruelest, predatory, attractive). Talk about predatory - interesting word for description of a woman. How does this compare to what he thinks about men they “prey upon”? <Click> 11th read - softened or gone to pieces nervously - weak animals. <Click> 12th read - Let’s take a look at that last piece again - who is “they” in “they have hardened?” what is the relationship here? (as women get hard, they break the men - or something like the women feed on the masculinity). (pronouns here may be difficult as commas are missing) <Click> 13th read - How does the meaning of the sentence change once you better understand it? Transition: We’re going to move now to a final video observation. In this video of a 9th grade classroom, I think you will see opportunities for the teacher to do this kind of work with the children. We will observe for that, yes, AND we will observe for everything we have learned so far in these 2 days: standards-aligned instruction; all 3 shifts, and standards-aligned, text-dependent questions. Background: The semicolon separates the two independent clauses. The vocabulary such as predatory and attractive can be confusing but the meanings of these words are essential to understanding the paradox stated by Wilson. Furthermore, the repetition of the word hard takes on multiple meanings. this nontraditional description of woman. The understanding of the diction used by the author to describe woman then changes the meaning of the dialogue spoken by Wilson.
15 min Speaker Notes: Time for a break! IMAGE CREDITS
Observing for Standards and Shifts
1 min Speaker Notes: This next video observation is intended to be a culmination observation activity. For this video, we will observe and capture evidence for the intended standards and all three shifts. In this video of a 9th grade classroom, I think you will see opportunities for the teacher to do this Juicy Sentence kind of work with the children. We will observe for that, yes, AND we will observe for everything we have learned so far in these 2 days: standards-aligned instruction; all 3 shifts, standards-aligned, and text-dependent questions.
Observing for Standards and Shifts
THE JUICY LANGUAGE OF TEXT IN HIGH SCHOOL Standard(s): RL , RL Prepare: Look up the standard(s) Capture Evidence: What standards are being taught? Is the instruction addressing the intended standards? Where do you see evidence of each of the shifts? What questions are used? Where do you see students struggling? 24 min Speaker Notes: 10 min - Let’s start by preparing – get your app queued to find the standards and prepare a way to capture evidence of standards alignment, the shifts and TDQs. 14 min to view video
After the Observation Step One Start with the standards.
THE JUICY LANGUAGE OF TEXT IN HIGH SCHOOL Step One Start with the standards. What standards are being taught? Is the instruction addressing the intended standards? 20 min Speaker Notes: 8 min –Click to show first step. Say: First, you will deconstruct what you saw just in terms of the standard, and the alignment of the instruction to that standard. Turn & Talk w/ partner. Make your discussions evidence-based. 12 min – Whole group share discussion: ask whether Mr. Feeser is addressing the full standards as intended. Ask them to notice when he is doing the work and when he is having the students doing the work. Sometimes he tells them the answers. MAIN POINTS: Standards: RL Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RL Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the United States, drawing on a wide reading of world literature.
After the Observation Step Two – The Shifts and Questioning
THE JUICY LANGUAGE OF TEXT IN HIGH SCHOOL After the Observation Step Two – The Shifts and Questioning Review evidence. Where do you see evidence of each of the shifts? What questions are used? Where do you see students struggling? Did you see opportunities for Juicy Sentence work? 15 min Speaker Notes: 8 min –Say: Now, talk about evidence of the shifts, questioning and struggle. Make your discussions evidence-based. 7 min – <Click> to show question about Mr. Feeser’s development for the whole group discussion. Say: Mr. Feeser is obviously a very strong teacher. Based on your analysis to this point, what would be the priority areas for her development (make sure they focus on the what here, not the how) MAIN POINTS: He sometimes leads the students in his questioning rather than asking questions that allow them to show they have the answers, like when he points out sarcasm. Transition: Let’s practice coaching this teacher. What are the highest-leverage areas of development for this teacher?
Coaching Role Play 1 min Speaker Notes:
Coaching Role Play: Purpose and Process
THE JUICY LANGUAGE OF TEXT IN HIGH SCHOOL The objective of this activity is to give leaders practice coaching a teacher on standards- and shifts-alignment in the context of an authentic classroom situation. Get Ready (4 min) Pair Up (2 min) Role Play & Feedback #1 (11 min) Role Play & Feedback #2 (11 min) 2 min Speaker Notes: State the purpose of this role play: leaders have to practice talking about the changes they want to see. Leaders have to practice talking about content as well – especially if any of this work is new for you. Provide an overview of the process: You will have 4 minutes to prepare to coach the teacher. If it would be a better fit for your role, you may prepare to coach a principal with whom you have just observed this teacher. This will be quiet, preparation time. You will pair up, choose who goes first. First role play, coach shares goals for the coaching sessions and sets the “heat” level. 5 min role play 1 min to gather your reflections and evidence for feedback 5 min reflection and feedback This will be intentionally quick – most leaders do not have a ton of time to debrief a quick observation, so we are practicing doing this quickly and efficiently. I will manage time and signal when you move to a different part of the protocol.
The objective of this activity is to give leaders a chance to practice coaching a teacher on standards- and shifts-alignment in the context of an authentic classroom situation. 4 minutes – Everybody Gets Ready Identify your goals for this coaching session. What do you want the teacher to know and be able to try as a result of this interaction? Draft entry question(s), clarifying questions and probing questions. Draft key learning and next steps you want the teacher to walk away ready to try. 2 minutes – Pair Up Choose a partner. Identify who will go first. Role Play #1 shares goals and the level of “heat” you’d like to practice coaching. 6 min Speaker Notes: Click though each part as the time stated <Click> and give them 4 minutes to Get Ready Remind them they can use their Content Coaching Unbound resource from sessions earlier in the Institute <Click> and give them 2 minutes to partner, choose who goes first, Next slide <Click> and give them 5 minutes for the role play
Role Play #1 – Reflect and Feedback
THE JUICY LANGUAGE OF TEXT IN HIGH SCHOOL 1 minute – Each role writes reflections of effectiveness of coaching conversation from their point of view 2 minutes – identify what worked Coach first Start with stating your goal(s) for the discussion and 1–2 moves you made that supported that goal Share 1–2 other pluses that you can identify Teacher 1–2 moves that the coach made that deepened your understanding 2 minutes – identify suggestions for improvement 1–2 things you’d like to do differently or improve 1–2 things the coach should consider to strengthen practice 5 min.
Transition to Role Play #2
THE JUICY LANGUAGE OF TEXT IN HIGH SCHOOL Transition to Role Play #2 Review preparation notes. Share coaching goals and the level of “heat” you’d like to practice coaching. 1 min. Speaker Notes: Time to switch roles. #2, share your goals and level of heat Be ready on my signal. IMAGE CREDITS:
Role Play #2 – Reflect and Feedback
THE JUICY LANGUAGE OF TEXT IN HIGH SCHOOL Role Play #2 – Reflect and Feedback 1 minute – Each role writes reflections of effectiveness of coaching conversation from their point of view 2 minutes – identify what worked Coach first Start with stating your goal(s) for the discussion and 1–2 moves you made that supported that goal Share 1–2 other pluses that you can identify Teacher 1–2 moves that the coach made that deepened your understanding of Focus 2 minutes – identify suggestions for improvement 1–2 things you’d like to do differently or improve 1–2 things the coach should consider to strengthen practice 5 min.
Quiet Reflection Think about your ability to coach others on the standards and the shifts in ELA. Based on your learning in this session and on your role, what do you now intend to do? For example: Your own learning and skill development Professional development for others Instructional planning Observation, feedback and supervision practices 4 min Speaker Notes: In whatever format you are using to track your reflections and action steps, take a few minutes to individually reflect. Sum up: This is really about having standards front and center for teachers, observation and planning supports around lesson planning and delivery. And a culture of intentionality around the selection of or implementation of curriculum. Transition: It’s time for mini-teams.
Download your key learning with one another. Based on this session’s learning, come to a consensus on what must be true for an ideal literacy program that develops college- and career-ready students. 10 min Speaker Notes: Transition: We ended this session with teacher development – and when we come back tomorrow we’ll do some work around the systems and structures that support the changes that must be happening in schools for children to meet standards. Teacher development is just one example… IMAGE CREDITS
1 min Speaker Notes: Before we adjourn for the day, let’s take one moment to appreciate the teachers we have observed today. All week, we will watch video of teachers who took risks and submitted their instructional videos to various open education resource sites. We are able to learn because of them and from them. IMAGE CREDITS:
Daily Participant Feedback and Knowledge Survey Post-Test
12 minutes Speaker’s Notes: Today, we are going to ask you to take a slightly longer survey. Like the last 3 days, you will again be asked to give us feedback on the session and facilitation. In addition, you will take the knowledge survey post-test, which measures how much you know about the learning objectives from this week. You will see the same quiz-like questions as the pre-test, which you took before you came to Institute. Please take this post-test very seriously. It is very important for us to know whether the intended learning outcomes were met, how much you have learned, and how we can improve on the sessions. You can and are encouraged to use the resources and materials from this week to answer the questions. You will get to see as the correct answer to each question. You will find the link to the survey in your inbox (the same address you used to register for Standards Institute). The came from Please complete this survey before you leave today. [If asked], yes, they can continue to take the survey after the end of the session. It will stay open until we have a desirable response rate. IMAGE CREDIT Please check your inbox for an from
Slide Source 6 7 William Cobbett, A Grammar of the English Language in a Series of Letters: Intended for the Use of Schools and of Young Persons in General, but More Especially for the Use of Soldiers, Sailors, Apprentices, and Plough-Boys, 1818 9-10 14-16
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