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Revising Combustion.

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Presentation on theme: "Revising Combustion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revising Combustion

2 Revising Combustion WALT: Conduct an experiment and answer some questions about combustion

3 What do you remember about combustion?
What is another name for combustion? Burning What 3 things are needed for combustion? Fuel Oxygen Heat What are the products of combustion? Carbon dioxide Water

4 We are going to take our candle burning experiment a bit further
What you should notice: The light will eventually go out The water from the tray will rise up into the beaker after a few minutes Spend 2 minutes discussing why these things will happen with your neighbour. You will need to think about your knowledge of particles.

5 Why does the water level rise?
Because the oxygen gets used up So the space inside the beaker gets replaced by water (once the air has cooled a bit) This is a bit like suck back (by the way, what is suck back, again..?) But you may ask, why doesn’t the space get replaced by carbon dioxide? Because there is twice as much O2 used up as there is CO2 given off

6 Once you are finished, return to your seats and complete….
All questions on page 35 and 36 of KS3 Science ‘Materials and their Properties’ (in full sentences)

7 Plenary Summarise what you have learnt today in 5 words then share this with your partner

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