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Leereenheid 1.2 / Study Unit 1.2

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1 Leereenheid 1.2 / Study Unit 1.2
LARM111 Die geskiedenis van Bedryfsosiologie / The history of Industrial Sociology Leereenheid 1.2 / Study Unit 1.2

Bespreek die historiese agtergrond van Bedryfsosiologie in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks / Discuss the historical background of Industrial Sociology in the South African context Verduidelik waarop Bedryfsosiologie vandag fokus / Explain what Industrial Sociology focuses on today

Elton Mayo word genoem ‘VADER VAN BEDRYFSOSIOLOGIE’ / Elton Mayo was called the ‘FATHER OF INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY’ Hawthorne studies gelei deur Elton Mayo het twee stelle aktiwiteite geïnisieer, albei word die ‘menslike verhoudings in die bedryf’ genoem (interaksie tussen die toesighouers en die werknemers, die werknemers en ander werknemers) / Hawthorne studies initiated two sets of activities, both named ‘human relations in industry (interaction between supervisors and employees, employees and other employees)

4 .... Die verbetering van mense verhoudings het verhoogde produksie tot gevolg gehad / improving human relations resulted in increased productivity Die studies van Mayo, sy opvolgers en die wat kritiek oor sy werk gelewer het, het ‘n patroon in navorsing gevorm, wat gebruik is tot onlangs en gevolg is in Bedryfsosiologie / the studies of Mayo, his followers and critics established a pattern of research concerns that has been followed until recently in Industrial Sociology ‘Group Dynamics’ se ondersoek het gehandel oor die werksgroep en toesighouers se verhouding / ‘Group Dynamics research (Kurt Lewin) – dealing with the workgroup and supervisory relations

5 ... Sosiale antropoloë het geïnteresseerd begin raak in bedryfsnavorsing / emergence of interest in industrial research among social anthropologists Max Weber se werk het gehandel oor burokrasie / Max Weber’s work was on bureaucracy In die 1940’s en 1950’s het mense al hoe meer geïnteresseerd geraak in die veld van bedryfsosiologie - dit is gepubliseer in joernale en groot sentrums van bedryfsnavorsing was opgerig / 1940’s and 1950’s a burst of interest in the fields of industrial sociology – published in journals, major centres of industrial research were established

6 ... 1950 – Bedryfsosiologie is as kurrikulum by meeste universiteite ingestel / 1950 – industrial sociology became firmly established in die curriculum of most universities Bedryfsosiologie is as ‘n afsonderlike veld gesien vir ongeveer 30 jaar en dit is ‘n gevestigde veld vir opleiding en navorsing vir omtrent die helfte van die tyd / IS has existed as a distinct field for only slightly more than 30 years, and has been an established area for teaching for only about half of that time.

7 ... Dit is ‘n groeiende veld, en die veld verskil baie van dit wat in die 1940’s was / this field is still evolving and the major issues of today are quite different form those in the 1940’s Die algemene uitleg van die veld het nie te radikaal verander nie, die fokus het net verander / the general ouline of the field has not changed radically (earlier and more recent textbook contents are similar) but these has been a substantial shift in the focus of interest within these broad limits

Navorsers van die verlede het gefokus daarop om beleide in te stel en het gefokus om die moraal van die werkers te verhoog / early researchers were focused on establishing policies, and focused on the questions of how to improve the morale of industrial workers Aan die einde van die 2de Wêreld oorlog het die fokus geskuif van sosiale filosofie en sosiale probleem oriëntasie na meer sosiale wetenskaplike perspektief / end of Word War 2 shifted from a social philosophical and social problem orientation to a more social scientific perspective

9 ... Tegnologie het data ontleding verbeter / technology improved data analysis Die veld het meer sosiaal geword / field has become more ‘socially before it is industrial’ Huidige studies fokus op die ontwikkeling van groter toepaslike veralgemenings, daar is groter besorgdheid oor die teorie en die navorser / current studies are directed toward the development of more broadly applicable generalizations, and there is greater concern with the theory and researcher

10 .... Groter spesialisasie (spesialiste in kleingroep interaksie, of formele en informele organisasies)/ greater specialization (specialists in small group interaction, or formal and informal organisations) Daar is ‘n afname in navorsers wat hulself industriële sosioloë’ noem, omdat die veld so gespesialiseerd is, maar die afname is een rede hoekom BSO nie meer as ‘n dissipline gesien word nie / decline in researchers as who call themselves ‘industrial sociologists’ because the field has specialized so much, this decline is one explanation for the view that IS is no longer a viable discipline

11 ..... Daar is min studies gedoen oor unie-bestuur verhoudings maar daar is ‘n toename in die hoeveelheid studies van komplekse, formele organisasies, sowel as die studie van die industrialisasie prosesse / few in union-management relations but increase in the study of complex, formal organizations (not just manufacturing industries, but now include schools, hospitals, government agencies, military institutions etc.) as well as the study of the industrialization process

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