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Bill Hooper Sr. Statistical Engineer Elkay Manufacturing

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Presentation on theme: "Bill Hooper Sr. Statistical Engineer Elkay Manufacturing"— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Theme for Design of Experiments or How to Un-Geek the DOE Process
Bill Hooper Sr. Statistical Engineer Elkay Manufacturing ASQ – CQE, CRE, CSSBB, CMQ/OE May 24, 2010

2 Overview of Presentation
The status-quo of a DOE Five steps to changing the status-quo for the DOE process An example DOE with attribute and ordinal data

3 So what is the status quo?
Computer generated designs Low operator involvement/commitment Statistics! Statistics! Statistics! 4-6 months to get results 30 days for the rebound

4 So what is not the status quo?

5 #1 – Shut the computer off and design freehand

6 Fraction Factorial Design
Factors: Resolution: IV Runs: Replicates: Fraction: 1/8 Blocks: Center pts 3 Design Generators: F = ABC, G = ABD, H = BCDE


8 Available Factor Designs and their Resolution
Factors Runs 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Full IV III 16 V 32 VI 64 VII 128 full VIII III Do only if necessary Memorize!!

9 #2: Understand Statistics without talking statistics
What is an Alpha error? What is a Beta error?

10 What the jury found What really happened guilty Not guilty He did it
He did not do it

11 #3 Eliminate the killer Alpha errors!
So what is an example of an alpha error?

12 #4 - Speed does matter (2-4 days tops)

13 Typical fast results

14 #5 – make it visual

15 The defects Bowl Break Bowl wrinkle

16 Ordinal/Attribute Data Run Analysis
Breaks Bowl Wrinkle Deck Wrinkles Possible sweet spot

17 Follow-up Runs – making it work
Additional runs to define sweet spot

18 …and it does work

19 Un-geeking the DOE process
Shut the computer off Understand statistics without talking statistics Stop the Nelson Mandela errors Speed Make it obvious – use graphics

20 …..the simplest DOE

21 Bill Hooper Elkay Manufacturing Company

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