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AP ECONOMICS: January 22 Learning Target: In order to understand how the economy can experience growth, I will analyze the production possibilities diagram.

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Presentation on theme: "AP ECONOMICS: January 22 Learning Target: In order to understand how the economy can experience growth, I will analyze the production possibilities diagram."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP ECONOMICS: January 22 Learning Target: In order to understand how the economy can experience growth, I will analyze the production possibilities diagram. I will know I have it when I can illustrate economic growth and decline on an appropri-ately labeled production possibilities diagram. -watch using phones (pair up and share if needed) ( Quick Review of PPC Basics (answer on back of today’s HO) Axes labels: x-axis—wheat; y-axis—war planes --efficient production (label as point “a”) --unemployed resources during production (label as point “b”) --unattainable production (label as point “c”) Depicting Economic Growth on the PPC -Worksheet 3.4 (HO) (okay to work with a partner) —potential answers are below (in no certain order) TURN IN: please staple Friday’s 3.3 on top of today’s 3.4 Assignment: read Module 4

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