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Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems

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1 Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems
The 4th International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) 12 & 13 May 2011 Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems Patrick van der Duin, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Tobias Heger, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany Maximilian Schlesinger, EICT GmbH, Germany

2 Linkage of futures research with innovation
Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems Linkage of futures research with innovation Futures research and innovation are two sides of the same coin. Quite a lot of research on the linkages between futures research and innovation: Use of methods (Van der Duin, 2006) Organization of ‘technology intelligence processes’ (Lichtenthaler, 2007) Foresight influencing innovative capabilities (Rohrbeck & Gemunden, 2010) However: rise of ‘innovation systems’ and ‘open innovation’ approaches what does that mean for the use of futures research in innovation systems or ‘open innovation’?

3 Innovation systems / ‘open innovation’
Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems Innovation systems / ‘open innovation’ Looking for suitable models ‘Triple helix model’: rather simplistic, no explicit linkage with the future ‘Regime approach of innovation systems’ (also) no explicit linkage with the future, no actor-perspective ‘Functions of innovation systems’-approach: focus on future development, but no actor perspective the ‘Cyclic Innovation Model’: explicit linkage with future, and actor perspective

4 The ‘Cyclic Innovation Model’ (CIM): level 1
Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems The ‘Cyclic Innovation Model’ (CIM): level 1

5 The ‘Cyclic Innovation Model’ (CIM): level 2 (process model)
Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems The ‘Cyclic Innovation Model’ (CIM): level 2 (process model) scientific exploration market transitions entrepreneurship product creation technical-oriented sciences cycle integrated engineering cycle differentiated service cycle social-oriented sciences cycle technological research hard knowledge infrastructure manufacturing and processing industry public and private service sector soft knowledge infrastructure

6 Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems
Three cases: EICT: Public-private partnerships of industrial companies, institutes of applied and scientific institutions Linking R&D-activities on ICT EIT ICT Labs: Consortium of partners from academia, industry and research institutes Focused on solving the European Innovation Paradox’ ‘Rijkswaterstaat’: Joint Innovation programme ‘Rijkswaterstaat’ and ‘Deltares’ Finding truly new solutions to cope with rising sea levels

7 Analysis of ‘Rijkswaterstaat’ & ‘Deltares’ :
Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems Analysis of ‘Rijkswaterstaat’ & ‘Deltares’ : No consensus Only if it is really new Not formalized/explicit Not so ‘open’ (trends & partners), managing political context

8 Cross-case analysis (1):
Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems Cross-case analysis (1): Stage 1: EICT Stage 2: EIT ICT Labs Stage 3: Rijkswaterstaat

9 Cross case analysis (2):
Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems Cross case analysis (2): Stage 1: Strategic (EICT) Stage 2: Tactical (EIT ICT Labs) Stage 3: Operational (‘Rijkswaterstaat’ ) ‘Transition path’ to a complete CIM (ensuring feedback mechanisms); different levels of ‘development’ Leadership is different in the thee stages: Stage 1: bringing together and convincing Stage 2: converting good intentions into a working plan Stage 3: operational responsibility, linking each part of the framework

10 Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems
Further research: Much more emphasis on inter-organizational processes (by ‘in-depth case Incorporating level 2 of CIM: four knowledge cycles as specified framework for future-innovation linkage Testing to what extent conclusions for use of futures research within a single organisation also hold for futures research within an innovation system (‘open innovation’)

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