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Presentation on theme: "PERENCANAAN KARIR DAN PENILAIAN KINERJA"— Presentation transcript:

Komunikasi Bisnis dan Sosial Pengantar: I Gede Iwan Suryadi,SE.,MM. Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007

The Objectives Advise someone about the major points in career planning Describe how HR department encourage and assist career Identify the major advantages of career planning Explain the relationship between career planning and career development Explain the uses of performance appraisals Describe commonly used appraisal methods Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007

3 Istilah-istilah dalam perencanaan karir
Career. A career is all the jobs that are held during one’s working life Career path. A career path is the sequential pattern of jobs that forms one’s career Career goals. Career goals are the future positions one strives to reach as part of a career. These goals serve as benchmarks along one’s career path. Career planning. Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and the path to those goals Career development. Career development consists of the personal improvements one undertakes to achieve a personal career plan Source : Wherther & Davis Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007

4 Perencanaan karir dan kebutuhan karyawan
Career equity. Employees want equity in the promotion system with respect to opportunities for career advancement Supervisory concern. Employees want their supervisors to play an active role in career development and provide timely feedback on performance Awareness of opportunities. Employees want knowledge of opportunities for career advancement Employment interest. Employees need different amounts of information and have different degrees of interest in career advancement, depending on a variety factors Career satisfaction. Employees, depending on their age and occupation, have different levels of career satisfaction Source : Wherther & Davis Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007

5 Manfaat perencanaan karir
Aligns strategy and internal staffing requirements Develop promotable employees Facilitates international placement Assist with workforce diversity Lowers turnover Taps employee potential Further personal growth Reduce hoarding Satisfies employee needs Assist affirmative action plans Source : Wherther & Davis Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007

Pengelolaan karir Organization focusing on individuals Organizational entry Mentoring Early career: The impact of the first job Organization focusing on their own maintenance and growth Internal staffing decision: Promotions Demotions Transfer and relocations Layoffs, retirements and resignations Source : Cascio Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007

Pengembangan karir Pengembangan karir oleh individu : Job performance Exposure Networking Resignations Organizational loyalty Mentors and sponsors Key subordinates Growth opportunities International experience Pengembangan karir dengan dukungan Dept.SDM : Management support Feedback Source : Wherther & Davis Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007

8 Pilihan dan preferensi karir
Holland vocational preferences (Realistic,Investigative,Artistic,Social,Enterprising,Conventional) The schein anchors Technical-functional competence,managerial competence,security-stability,creatifity, and autonomy-independence) Jung and the Myers-Briggs Typologies (Extrovert & introvert, sensing & intuitive) Source : De Cenzo & Robbins Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007

9 Kegunaan dari penilaian kinerja
Performance improvement Compensation adjustment Placement decisions Training and development needs Career planning and development Staffing process deficiencies Informational inaccuracies Job-design errors Equal employment opportunity External challenges Feedback to human resources Source : Wherther & Davis Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007

10 Elemen dari penilaian kinerja
Performance standards Performance standards serve as benchmarks against which performance is measured Performance measures Objective measures Objective performance measures are indications of job performance that are verifiable by others and are usually quantitative. Subjective measures Subjective performance measures are ratings that are based on the personal standards or opinions of those doing the evaluation and are not verifiable by others. Source : Wherther & Davis Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007

11 Tantangan dalam penilaian kinerja
Legal Constraints Rater biases The halo effect The error of central tendency Leniency and strictness bias Cross-cultural biases Personal Prejudice The regency effect Source : Wherther & Davis Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007

12 Metode penilaian : Post-oriented
Rating scales Checklists Forced choice method Critical incident method Accomplishment records Behaviorally anchored rating scales Field review method Performance tests and observations Comparative evaluation approaches Source : Wherther & Davis Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007

13 Metode Penilaian : Future-oriented
Self appraisals Management by objectives Psychological appraisal Assessment centers Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007 Source : Wherther & Davis

14 Implikasi dari proses penilaian kinerja
A successful performance appraisal system requires more than good technique. It depends on a consistent approach for comparability of results, clear standards and measures, and bias-free ratings. The implications of the process are: Training raters and evaluators Evaluation Interviews Evaluation interviews are performance review sessions that give employees essential feedback about their past performance or future potential. Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007 Source : Wherther & Davis

15 Effective Performance Management System
Requirements of effective Appraisal systems: Relevance Sensitivity Reliability Acceptability Practicality Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007 Source : Cascio

16 (info:
selesai (info: Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 STIKOM BALI 2007


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