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Implementation of the Action Plan for nature, people and the ecomomy

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1 Implementation of the Action Plan for nature, people and the ecomomy
Luisa Samarelli Team Leader Unit D.3 – Nature Protection DG ENVIRONMENT

2 Content of the Action Plan
4 priority areas Improving guidance and knowledge and ensuring better coherence with broader socio-economic objectives Building political ownership and strengthening compliance Strengthening investment in Natura 2000 and improving synergies with EU funding instruments Better communication and outreach, engaging citizens, stakeholders and communities 15 Actions (detailed factsheets in SWD) Timeframe

3 Progress in implementation
15 actions sub-actions 15 for 2017 of which 5 delivered online 'Frequently Asked Questions and Answers' on Natura 2000 Review the success of the development/application of the PAFs under current MFF and draw lessons with a view to improving the applicability of this tool and enhance co-benefits for more efficient use of resources Increase the Nature and Biodiversity envelope by 10 % under the LIFE Regulation conference to officially present the Action Plan to relevant authorities and stakeholders (6/06/2017) Proclamation of the 21st May as the European Natura 2000 day (15/5/2017) 31 Actions for 2018 or of which 1 delivered Update and improve the on-line Natura 2000 viewer 66 Actions for 2019 or or 2 measures for MSs with DDLs set in the Directives

4 Delayed measures for 2017 Action 1
Update the interpretative guidance document on provisions of Article 6 of the HD  finalizing the document, expected adoption May 2018 new guidance on hydropower and Natura 2000  expected adoption April 2018 new guidance on electricity transmission facilities  expected adoption April 2018

5 Delayed measures for 2017 Action 2
Identify, in cooperation with them, Member States in need of targeted support on key challenges, including of a structural nature, in relation to the application of the permitting requirements of the Birds and Habitats Directives for Natura 2000 and species protection rules  A contract has been set up, work starting in Feb It includes the identification of MSs facing challenges in relation to the application of the permitting requirements of the Birds and Habitats Directives for Natura 2000 and species protection rules, through questionnaires / interviews (conducted in the framework of the work for updating the guidance docs on Art 6(3) and on species protection).

6 Delayed measures for 2017 Action 7 Action 8
a new EU multispecies action plan covering forty-four bat species  finalization of the plan expected in April Action 8 Update the PAF format in agreement with Member States  several rounds of consultations with MSs

7 Delayed measures for 2017 Action 11 Action 12
assessing the current use of financial allocations for biodiversity protection and Natura under EMFF drawing lessons and identifying best practices Work to assess the use of EMFF allocations for biodiversity & N2000 started in 2017; assessment report, including "best practice examples" due by June Best practice examples to be presented at EMFF EG and MEG in 2018. Action 12 Report on GI  expected by April 2018

8 Delayed measures for 2017 Action 14
Evaluating the spatial overlaps between Natura 2000 and cultural heritage areas, in cooperation with UNESCO/World Heritage Sites and Council of Europe  work is on-going – expected results in April 2018

9 Planning work ahead NEW Contracts for supporting the implementation
1 contract for actions 1, 2, 13 ( €) 1 contract for actions 4, 5, 7 ( €) 1 contract for action 8, 9, 10, 11 ( €) 1 contract for action 6 ( €) 2 contracts for LC platform ( €) 1 contract on RE ( €) 1 EP pilot project on knowledge – action 3

10 Action 1 Update of the methodological guidance on Article 6(3) and 6(4) (by 2018)  Contract set up, work starting in Feb 2018 - scoping : February-March - consultation MS + stakeholders: 1 month around March-May - 1st draft: September - consultation (NADEG + ad hoc meeting): October – November - 2nd draft : end of November - adoption: early 2019 Update guidance on species protection (by 2018)  Contract set up, work starting in Feb 2018: Same timeline as above

11 Action 1 Update of the Key concepts document (by 2019) 
work started in January 2018 - update the doc: January-March - information and consultation of MSs + stakeholders: April-May - collection of data by MSs: June –October - MS report data to COMM: end of October - assessment of data : November-March - draft revised doc: April - consultation with MSs + stakeholders: May 2019 - draft final : July - adoption : late in 2019

12 Action 1 Update of the guidance on wind energy (by 2019) 
Contract set up, started in January 2018 - consultation with MSs: May – September draft of updated guidance : Feb 2019 final draft : May 2019 Guidance on Natura 2000 and fisheries (by 2018)  adoption foreseen in April 2018

13 Action 1 Guidance on integrating ecosystems and their services into planning and decision-making (by 2018)  Written consultation MSs + stakeholders : May- June Adoption expected in August 2018 separate point on the agenda

14 Action 4 Improving synergies with WFD, MSFD, Floods Directives  workshop around May 2019 Improving synergies with Nitrates Directive  1st FAQ note: expected in May Consultations with MSs : May – August (PPT in NADEG) First draft : December Consultations with MSs and stakeholders: January – February Final draft FAQ: June 2019 Improving synergies with the IAS Regulation  PPT in NADEG First draft expected in January 2019 Consultations with MSs and stakeholders: February – May Final draft FAQ: September 2019

15 Action 5 Country Profiles to be prepared MS Date BG
21-22 November 2017 IT 12-13 February 2018 SI 12-13 March 2018 CY 25-26 April 2018 FI 14-15 May 2018 SK 31 May – 1 June 2018 NL 3-4 July 2018 ES September 2018? LT 16-17 October 2018 SE November 2018 LV September 2019 Country Profiles to be prepared

16 Action 7 Species Action Plans (by 2018) 
(LIFE EUROSAP project) to be finalized by May [conference on 24/05/2018] Habitats Action Plans (by 2019)  Contract signed for technical and scientific support: Methodology for the selection of habitat types: March Selection of 2 habitats types: April 1st AP: 1st draft: November Workshop: end November (27 or 28/11) Consultation on revised draft: January Final draft: February 2nd AP 1st draft: March 2019 Workshop: April Consultation on revised draft: May Final draft: June Workshop in Brussels : October 2019

17 Stimulate private sector investments  LIFE Preparatory Project on-going
expected finalization in 2019 Action 12 Guidance on EU level Green Infrastructure  expected finalization in June 2018 Separate point on the agenda Action 8

18 Action 14 Natura 2000 award  Natura 2000 day 
75 applications from 26 MSs received Award ceremony on 17/05/2018 Natura 2000 day  Events across the EU Linking Natura 2000 & cultural heritage  Synergy areas and recommendations for integrated approach April 2018 Leaflet on case studies to be published soon Promotion at Open Day in Brussels 5/5/2018 + 25th anniversary of the CBD on 22 May Share examples of conservation successes with the CBD secretariat events to celebrate the anniversary.

19 Actions with MSs in lead
Action 3 - Enhance monitoring and fill the gaps in knowledge on the Natura 2000 network, the conservation status and trends of species and habitats, the effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network and its contribution to achieving the Directives' objectives, including in view of the next reporting under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive and Article 12 of the Birds Directive due in 2019 Action 4 - Complete the designation of Natura 2000 at land and at sea Action 4 - Establish and implement the necessary conservation objectives and measures for all Natura 2000 sites, ideally in the framework of site management plans or equivalent instruments Action 5 – engage in bilateral dialogues Action 9 – assess the current use of financial allocation for biodiversity protection and Natura 2000 under CAP Action 9 – ensure coordination between all authorities involved in the management of Natura 2000 sites, ensure that agricultural and environmental authorities share relevant information for the management of Natura 2000 sites, including on conservation objectives and measures for Natura 2000 sites, on the allocation and uptake of rural development measures, and on application of cross compliance Action 9 - Support training and awareness raising for farmers and other relevant stakeholders in rural areas, e.g. forest owners, in particular through Farming Advisory Services about the measures implementing the Nature Directives.

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