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Service users’ experiences of compulsory inpatient treatment under the Mental Health Act, (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment Act), 1992. Shona Clarke.

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Presentation on theme: "Service users’ experiences of compulsory inpatient treatment under the Mental Health Act, (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment Act), 1992. Shona Clarke."— Presentation transcript:

1 Service users’ experiences of compulsory inpatient treatment under the Mental Health Act, (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment Act), Shona Clarke Masters of Health Sciences University of Auckland Mental Health Research Symposium, 1 December, 2017 My reflections so far

2 The research Topic and focus Exclusion criteria Some of the methods
Reflexivity Recruitment process Collecting people’s stories

3 Situating the research – Service user led research
How this research is service user led. How does that work in practice. Since this is my Masters, obviously support from my supervisor.

4 Why am I being so overt about being “one of the crazies”?
I don’t want more disenfranchised ‘Others’ who are researched ON, by powerful ground, commodifying people’s life experiences. People (my participants) really like it! For some – empowering. I’m already “out” as “one of the crazies”. I can analyse people’s stories through the eyes of another peer, and not reconstructed by someone involved with the Act. I like and am curious about the concept of ‘reflexivity’.

5 What is this like? Sometimes a bit lonely. bksgskdfh
Really exciting, and buzzy to be with peers, hear their stories and sometimes share kai with people with a common experience. Sometimes more difficult than I expected!

6 Reflexivity Embrace the bias! We all have it, we’re never going to be objective – relativism. What is this ‘reflexivity’ thing? Since I’m asking people to talk about what is often a difficult time in their life, perhaps I should reflect on mine, and look at how what they say, impacts on me.

7 Extract from a poem from a peer.

8 Contact For more information, contact me at
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