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The Irish at Work Lesson starter:

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1 The Irish at Work Lesson starter:
Name three areas of Scotland the Irish settled in and their reasons for doing so. (3 marks)

2 Today we will… Understand the jobs that Irish settlers did
Understand their working conditions

3 Most Irish took any job they could get due to their poverty
Some Irish had useful skills e.g. those who had worked in textile industries The work was often extremely dangerous Hours were long Wages were low Men – weavers and labourers mainly Women – cotton mills or steam looms New Lanark cotton mill village

4 Comments on Irish workers – what do they tell us?
‘in any farm, you will find most of the men at work are Irish’ ‘Irish at work in the coal mine are more obedient than natives… we could not do without them’ ‘Lothian is invaded by numbers of Irish each year’ ‘a few have raised themselves to the rank of shopkeepers…a few keep whisky shops’

5 Success Stories Most Irish workers did hard work for low wages
Some did very well Sir Thomas Lipton

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