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Implement the Plan. Implementation n Implementation bridges plan development and operations n Implementation is the cornerstone of plan success Need for.

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Presentation on theme: "Implement the Plan. Implementation n Implementation bridges plan development and operations n Implementation is the cornerstone of plan success Need for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implement the Plan

2 Implementation n Implementation bridges plan development and operations n Implementation is the cornerstone of plan success Need for Plan Quality of Plan Implementation

3 Link to the Planning Process n The strategy for implementing a plan is part of the plan n A plans implementation strategy will influences design will influence how it can be implemented n Policies are not just made & implemented, rather policy, planning, design & implementation are iterative, and interlinked (Alexander 1986)

4 Avoid n DO NOT develop plans that require enormous efforts to be sold and that become obsolete before they are implemented

5 Implementation of a Water Resources Plan Requires n Commitment to succeed n Plans that are technically and politically viable n A clear definition of policies, roles and responsibilities n Reasonable n Formal endorsement

6 Obstacles to Effective Implementation n Lack of a clear mandate n Plan ambiguity n False assumptions n Reliance on wished-for conditions or behavior n Passive aggression n Resistance to change n Lack of inter-agency coordination n Personnel changes n Insufficient resources

7 For Successful Plan Implementation n Plans must be developed with implementation in mind n The planning process must be viewed as fair n Links to formal channels of decision making must be established n Broad-based endorsement must be obtained n Implementation plans must be developed n Plans should be tested prior to implementation n Political analysis must be incorporated into plan development

8 If Plans are not Implemented n Changes in political or administrative leadership may erode its infrastructure n The credibility of the planning process will suffer n Trust among managers, stakeholders and decision makers may deteriorate n The status quo will prevail n Resources will be lost n Parties may be reluctant to participate in future planning efforts

9 The DPS Planning Process Provides a Strong Foundation for Plan Implementation n Links with decision makers are created through circles of influence n Managers and stakeholders develop a shared interest in plan outcomes n A broad-base of support is generated prior to implementation n Shared vision models enhance plan communication n Virtual droughts are used for plan testing, evaluation & maintenance

10 Implementation Plans Contain n Descriptions of the tasks required to implement reach recommendationons for inter-agency coordination n Provisions for adequate resources and training n Public relations strategies n Timetables for implementation

11 Securing Commitment From Decision Makers n Make the bottom line clear n Communication is essential

12 Tools for Plan Communication n The Shared Vision Model n Decision matrices n Other comparative displays

13 Partnering Agreements n Establish a continuing collaborative process n Support the maintenance and use of the Shared Vision Model n Identify roles, relationships and responsibilities of water managers n Establish the legal bounds on the agreement n Specify when virtual drought exercises will be held

14 When Resources are Limited Consider 1. Can the agency be enhanced with new resources? 2. Can existing resources be betterng goals? 3. What is the organizational capacity to carry out various functions?

15 Is the Planning Effort Complete? n Plan implementation is not the end of the planning process n Long-term effectiveness must be sought n Provisions for plan maintenance must be established n Institutional commitment to this process must be obtained

16 Summary n Planning is an essential activity. n Water Resources Planning is a complex activity, requiring cooperation among a wide variety of managers and stakeholders. n Federal water planning has a long history, which has led to the development of Principles and Guidelines. n The DPS planning paradigm makes use of federal guidance, new technology, and conflict resolution.

17 Exercise

18 Typical Tasks in Plan Implementation

19 When no Alternative Reduces Impacts Enough n Accept the status quo n Push for a strategic solution n Pursue the plan that helps most stakeholders n Pursue the plan that helps most stakeholders, but with payments to those who are hurt n Accept a plan principle, but agree to proceed with it during a drought only if possible losses do not materialize

20 Changes in Law and Regulation n Can be very difficult; post-study funding source?

21 Environmental Review n NEPA - EA/EIS for changes in federal operating policies

22 Jurisdiction n Institutionalization is greatly simplifies if the are of concern lies in a single state, or if it is encompassed by a River Basin Commission n Otherwise, interstate agreements or memoranda of understanding will be necessary

23 The danger in not formalizing the plan is that a change in political or administrative leadership may lead to decay of the plans infrastructure. It must be emphasized that political interest in drought quickly wanes when the crisis is over. Donald A Wilhite

24 Decision Matrix

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