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TAPPLE a strategy to Check for Understanding

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1 TAPPLE a strategy to Check for Understanding
Hawker Park Primary School 1 February 2013 Dr Irma Roberts

2 Introduction Today we are going to learn a strategy called TAPPLE used to check for understanding. I am going to use the ISTAR process of teaching that also includes Explicit Direct Instruction. The ISTAR will be at the top of the slide Reference Explicit Direct Instruction John Hollingsworth and Silvia Ybarra

3 ISTAR includes the following component Inform Show Try Apply Review
I Inform/Inspire and tell students what the aim/ outcome/purpose/ objective (concept and skill) of the lesson is (p52-56). You may even write this on the board. In this section, also include the Importance of the Lesson (p ) and Activate Prior Knowledge (p82-84).

4 I Inform/Inspire/Objective
Today we are going to learn a strategy to Check for Understanding (CFU) called TAPPLE 1 Activate Prior Knowledge. What is this (show apple). You already know what this is – APPLE- so what you are going to learn will be easy for you to remember because you just add the T to APPLE (acronym) 2 Importance of the Lesson. Why is it important to check that students understand what you have taught (personal academic real life importance)

5 Effective Feedback (echo/elaborate/explain)
S Show/I Do/Model what you are going to teach ie teach by explaining, modelling and/or demonstrating How am I going to remember what TAPPLE stands for? (model and demonstrate) T APPLE Teach First Ask a Question Pause Pick a Non-Volunteer Listen to the Response Effective Feedback (echo/elaborate/explain)

6 Verbally work through each letter together T A P P L E
T Try/We Do/Sharing/Guiding where students have a go at what you are teaching by working through examples with the teacher. At this point-lesson closure, at least 80% of students should be able to work independently from you Verbally work through each letter together T A P P L E What does T mean? Why is it important? What are the ways of teaching (explain model demonstrate)? What does A mean? Why is it important? What does P mean? Why is it important? What does P mean? Why is it important? What method will you use(sticks)? What does L mean? Why is it important? How many responses? What does E mean? Why is it important? What are the 3 types (echo elaborate explain)

7 A Apply/You Do where students work independently through activities with the aim of ‘practice makes permanent’. Co-operative learning strategies, Text Book, Work Sheets. May have to be differentiated activities. Think Pair Share. - numbered heads – 1 2. Think of the word TAPPLE. 1 says the letter and 2 tells 1 what it means and what each letter stands for. Complete work sheet Distribute coloured reference sheet Teacher works with those who need extra support or write down names for future learning with Aide

8 Check For Understanding:
TAPPLE T____________ A____________ P____________ L____________ E____________ S:\New S Drive\800 STAFF DEVELOPMENT\802 Professional Learning\2012 and 2013\ISTAR\Check For Understanding Poster.ppt

9 Check For Understanding:
TAPPLE Teach First Ask a Question Pause Pick a Non-Volunteer Listen to the Response Effective Feedback S:\New S Drive\800 STAFF DEVELOPMENT\802 Professional Learning\2012 and 2013\ISTAR\Check For Understanding Poster.ppt S:\New S Drive\800 STAFF DEVELOPMENT\802 Professional Learning\2012 and 2013\ISTAR\Check For Understanding Poster.ppt

10 R Review/Reflect/Plough-back
Questions: what did I learn?; how does it connect to what I already know?; did I learn the Objective?. Check for understanding throughout the lesson not only at the end.

11 Conclusion Discuss ISTAR Discuss CFU – TAPPLE
Discuss Sheet that is Non Negotiable

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