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The preamble to the us constitution

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1 The preamble to the us constitution

2 The US Preamble to the US Constitution
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

3 “In order to form a more perfect Union”
The Constitution created a federal government that oversees all of the states and unites these states under new power. It tries to make everything in our country as perfect as possible.

4 “Establish justice” Governments will protect people who follow the law and punish those who break the law. The Constitution established a system with courts that protects the rights of its people. Try to bring fairness to all.

5 “Ensure domestic tranquility”
The government will try to create an atmosphere, in our country, that is calm and peaceful so that the people can live happily and express their liberties freely.

6 “Provide for the common defense”
The government will provide a military to protect all its people from external threats.

7 “Promote the general welfare”
The Constitution provided the people with the opportunity to have their needs heard and promoted/represented in the system of government. They will care for those in need.

8 “Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”
The people have natural rights given to them (life, liberty, property/pursuit of happiness) and it is the job of the government to protect these natural rights. They will make sure this continues for not only us but for our children, and every generation after that.

9 “Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
These rights are approved and begin with the Constitution of the United States of America.

10 Principles of the Constitution

11 Judicial Review Power of courts to determine whether what government does in in accord with the Constitution. Terms: Constitutional (agrees with action) or Unconstitutional (Constitution does not give that power). Marbury v. Madison: Gave the Judicial Branch the power of Judicial Review. Clinton v. City of New York, 1996: Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional for Congress to give President Clinton the power of line item veto.

12 Popular Sovereignty Power to govern belongs to the people.
Government must be based on the consent of the governed. Expanded by amendments 15: right to vote to non-whites 19: right to vote to women 26: right to vote to 18 year olds.

13 Separation of Powers Division of Government’s powers into three separate branches. President: execute/administer laws Congress: make laws Courts: interpret/apply laws

14 Federalism Division of governmental power between the national and state governments. Federal Powers only: expressed and implied State powers only: reserved Both state and federal: concurrent powers

15 Checks and Balances Each branch of government has some control over the others. Example: Congress passes laws, but the President may veto those laws. Congress may refuse to provide funds the President requests for implementing programs.

16 Limited Government Guarantees that government does not hold all the power Guarantees government does only those things that people allow it to do. Examples: Presidents can be impeached, representatives voted out of office, judges denied confirmation by the Senate.

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