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Our Strategies for Viral Load Suppression

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1 Our Strategies for Viral Load Suppression
HERTFORD COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AUTHORITY Viral Load Suppression Improvement Project Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS with a viral load < 200 copies/mL at last viral load test during the measurement year. Our Strategies for Viral Load Suppression Clinic Nurse Managers: Review the charts for labs values regarding increased viral. Contact the patient with the assistance of the Access Coordinators to follow-up if any issues that may be the cause of viral load increase. Communicate with staff to work on issues that impede VL suppression. Work with clients to promote positive changes in viral load. Medication adherence completed at every clinic visit. Promotes client education with each client contact. Access Coordinators: Interview with patient regarding issues that impend their viral load suppression. Reports back to Clinic Nurse Managers regarding patient issues taking their medications. Works along with Clinic Nurse Mangers with those clients to develop strategies for improve medication adherence. Promotes client education. Medical Social Workers: Reviews with client for social issues that impede viral load suppression. Collaborates with Clinic Nurse Managers and Access Coordinators in these efforts. Works with clients on ADAP completely biannually and works with drug assistance programs for clients that qualify. Promotes client education with each client contact. Medical Providers: Prescribes a medical regiment for each client that is identified as ready for treatment. Reviews labs & monitors those VL that seem to be unsuppressed. Re-evaluates if medication adherence is not a problem and changes medication if needed. All On ARV Cycle 2 137/164 116/138 Cycle 3 140/162 119/134 Cycle 4 138/161 118/133

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