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Cliff Collapse!.

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Presentation on theme: "Cliff Collapse!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cliff Collapse!

2 Aim To know and understand what causes a cliff to collapse To know and understand the effects cliff collapse has on different groups of people To know and how the cliffs can be protected

3 Starter Watch the video clip on cliff collapse on the Yorkshire coastline. Discuss the following questions: What was happening? What damage was caused? What methods were there of protecting the coastline? Who was affected?

4 Yorkshire Daily News Read as a class AQA Geo B p.19 and answer the following questions: What has happened? Who were affected? What caused the cliff to collapse? How could the cliff be protected? Make sure that you answer all questions in full sentences and use a range of geographical terms. Use the information you have gained from the video and the textbook.

5 Role Play You are to imagine that you are reporting live from Holbeck Hall just after the cliff collapse. You are to report on: What happened Why it happened Whether it could happen again How it could be prevented from happening again. Your role play should involve the following people: hotel owner, guest at the hotel, coastal engineer, Mrs Miggins who was walking her dog at the time of the cliff collapse and a geologist from Hull University Your role play will then be assessed by other students in the group.

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