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Key Focus: Scanning On & Off the ball

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1 Key Focus: Scanning On & Off the ball
Pick & Drop & Pick It If You Can Key Focus: Scanning On & Off the ball Layout: Mark out a large rectangle with 4 Zones Mark out two Dens at opposite ends of the large grid Pick and Drop: Two teams ( Yellow and Blue) aim to run to opponent’s ball grid to pick up stationary balls and solo back to their own den as shown Opponents may challenge opposition from picking balls up See which team can retrieve all the balls from their opponent’s grid Variation: Pick It If You Can 2 Teams of 5/6 Aside play against each other in a large grid 15m x 15m 6/8 balls are placed at random about the play area On signal one team attempts to pick ball up while the other prevent them See which team can achieve the most pick ups in a set time Repeat above but players must mark each other Pick and Drop Den Den 4 Zones 1 Game 1

2 Key Focus: Kicking with A ‘HARD FOOT’
Cone Target Ball Key Focus: Kicking with A ‘HARD FOOT’ Equipment: 10/15 Cones, Domes to mark out 5 Zones, 10 footballs Layout: 3 Teams x 4/5 Aside Nos. 1 to 3 Large rectangle with 5 zones Place 10/15 cones in middle zone - 5m x 15m for players in two outer zones to aim at Leave next 2 zones 10m x 15m as No Man’s Land 2 Teams Nos. 1 & 2 go to outer zones with 5 balls each Team 3 remains out side the middle zone to count and replace the knocked down cones Change roles after 1 min. i.e. Team 1 go to middle zone, while Team 3 go to outer zone etc. Use different foot after each change 1 point is scored for each cone knocked down Key points: This is an excellent game for encouraging players to use a ‘Hard Foot’ i.e. top of lace for kicking with power. 2 Game 2

3 Key Focus: Close control & ‘Shielding’ a Ball
Strike Away: Key Focus: Close control & ‘Shielding’ a Ball Layout: Large Grid 15m v 15m Each child has a ball Organisation: All the players dribble about a large grid As they dribble they attempt to strike away any balls close to them Players try and protect balls by using their bodies as shields to screen the ball. Score: Give all players 5 Points to begin. They lose a point every time they are dispossessed and gain one every time they hit a ball away. Winner: The player with the most points at the end of a set time e.g. 2 minutes Variation: Have 3 – 4 players without a ball who attempt to gain possession Players who lose a ball must attempt to gain possession of another ball Which player can keep possession the longest without loosing their ball? 3 Game 3

4 Soloing Under pressure
Zone Solo Key Focus: Soloing Under pressure Mark out a grid with 3 zones as shown. Place 4 small scoring areas in the corners. Select 3 Teams – red, blue & white Two teams ( blue and white) play 3 a-side against each other while red defends the middle zone Blue play one way and white the other into opposing grids When white crosses the middle zone they play 3 v 3 on the blue Each member of the team in possession must solo three times before they pass There aim is to solo through the middle zone and score in the end zones (corners) A goal is scored by a player soloing into their scoring grid – they retreat to their own half. The other team then take possession and start a new attack in the opposite direction Play each game for 3 minutes and then change roles Which team can score the most goals ? Variation: Allow one member of the team in the middle to defend from any where Only two attacking players are allowed to pass the middle zone Blue White 4 Game 4

5 Key Focus: Blocking a Ball
Block Around The Clock Key Focus: Blocking a Ball Layout: 5/6 Numbered players stand in a circle formation Every other player has a ball. The rest help to retrieve loose balls The aim is for No. 1 to start inside the circle and move around attempting to block - foot/bounced ball and punt kicks (Depending on skill level) from those players with the ball No. 2 begins as No. 1 has made 3 blocks Start with first player again but go the other way as you block Tip: Demand that those kicking the balls do so gently initially in order to help the ‘blockers’ block the balls. Variation: Have 6/8 players in 2 lanes 5m apart and between each other, zig zag style facing each other in front of goals with a ball each ‘Blockers’ one at a time move down the line blocking each ball in turn The final player, about 10m from goals, in the line aims to score a goal while the Blocker dives to block K K K K K K Blocker K K K K 5 Game 5

6 Key Focus: Goalkeeping Skills
STRIKE 1,2, 3 Key Focus: Goalkeeping Skills Quick Reactions Equipment: 6 poles, 4/6 medium size balls, Two cones How to Play?  One player G1 acts as a goal keeper and stands between three cones 4/6 m apart. Three other players stand between ‘gates’ (two poles 3/5 m apart) with a ball each. They aim to score by playing the ball past the 2 cones on their side etc. The ‘Gates should be 10/15m from the goalie and opposite each side of the triangle. One other player stands behind these players and act as Retrievers. The Strikers are numbered 1, 2, and 3. The coach calls out the numbers to the Strikers i.e. ‘2’, ‘1’ etc. When their number is called they strike for goal i.e. attempt to play the ball through their goals i.e. the side of the triangle opposite them etc. Variation: The strikers may roll , kick or strike the ball depending on skill level. The game can be made more challenging by moving the goalie’s goal further away from the ‘gates’ or making the goals and ‘gates’ smaller. Scoring: The goalie scores by striking the ball through the appropriate ‘gate’ opposite. The Strikers may score by hitting the ball past the goalie.  Key Points: Goalie – React quickly to the call by keeping on your toes at all times. Get your feet behind the ball. Kickers – Watch the ball when kicking. Decide where you hope to kick the ball. GATES Coach calls out Nos. Retriever Game 6

7 Triple Circle Pass ball Key Focus: Scanning On & Off the ball
Make 3 circles with a radius of 30/20/10m Place one defender (Black) inside smallest circle and 4 in outside circle. These players must remain in their own circles Place 4 attackers (Red) around inside circle and the same on the very outside The 4 inside attackers must stay in their own circle while the 4 outside attackers must remain outside the outside circle The aim is to play the ball either past the inside defenders to another attacker or to one of your attackers on the outside by passing to the outside defenders This game develops spatial awareness as the player on the ball must decide which is the best passing option at all times by not only scanning near but far i.e. outside players if inside attackers are marked Attackers must constantly move into better receiving positions depending on the defensive position of the defenders Defenders must be aware of their attackers at all times depending on the player with the ball The outside defenders must work as a team to defend the outside attackers Make up your own scoring system Goal 10m 20m 30m 7 Game 7

8 Key Focus: Punting For Accuracy
Find a Goal Key Focus: Punting For Accuracy 10 Players in pairs in grid 30m x 20m Each pair sets out two cones (same colour), 2m apart Punt/strike ball to each other through goal-cones Move and repeat around five sets of goals to finish When a ball is passed through one goal the receiver solos off to another and passes through, the receiver must anticipate which goal the ball carrier is going to and be ready to receive the pass Who can score 5 Goals first? Pick two players to act as goalkeepers. They move and block goals, the other players must find the free goals to make a score. Modification - Cross Fire One player from each pair moves outside the grid and returns passes to their partner inside the grid through the goals (make them wider if needed) Change roles after a set time Use both feet or strike from both sides in above games Goal Find another Game 8 8

Key Focus: Passing – Lateral support on the ball and the angle of the pass. HOW TO PLAY: Start with 5 players in each area Use an area approx. 15m x 15m or bigger for hurling 4 attackers stay outside the area, 1 defender inside the area Change the defender every 30 seconds Attackers must move along the line to make an angle for the passer to complete their pass Players should play 5 consecutive punt/strike passes to score 1 point (Bigger grid – 30m x 20m) Exercise 2: Modification: Introduce another defender to the grid Introduce another attacker to the grid Coach nearest defender to pressurise the ball while the other defender anticipates the pass Progress to having all the players inside the grid – 4 v 2 etc. Attacker Ten Passes Or 30 sec. in middle Defender Attacker Attacker Attacker 9 Game 9

10 Tower Ball Game 1 Target Scoring Game
Key Focus: Simple Attack / Defence Principles Work the Ball Around The Zone HOW TO PLAY: 4 Attackers attempt to out wit a defender by passing the ball to the attacker in the most advantageous position for a shot on target i.e. to knock down a cone. They must remain out side a small grid or circle area at all times (4m x 4m or bigger for striking). NB. This is the main principal of attack in most invasion games and should be emphasised as often as possible. One defender attempts to protect his goals (a cone inside a large hoop in the middle of the grid) by keeping his body between the goal and the ball at all times. S/he is not allowed in side the hoop. NB. This is the main principal of defence in most invasion games and should be coached frequently. Allow very young children throw the ball initially before challenging them to hand pass/fist/ground kick/punt and finally strike. Defender GOAL Knock down the Cone Game 10

11 Key Focus: Keeping Focused,
Your Number’s Up Key Focus: Keeping Focused, Reactions 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 Age group: 8+ Equipment:2 Sets of bibs, Cones to mark out grids 30m x 20m Layout: 2 Teams of 10, split into 2 Teams of 5 each Nos. them 1 & 2 Yellow & 1 & 2 Blue Nos. Players in teams 1 to 5 When a player’s number is called e.g. 1’s from both sets of teams play against each other 2 Numbers may be called at a time Uneven team numbers could be called given one team a numeric advantage e.g. ‘Yellow 2.3, & 4’ v ‘Blue 2 & 5’ etc. Variation: 1 Add goals at either end for players to score 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Game 20

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