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DG MARE study to support Impact Assessment on the Marine Knowledge 2020 Questionnaire on the data costs related to the MSFD implementation up to 2020.

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Presentation on theme: "DG MARE study to support Impact Assessment on the Marine Knowledge 2020 Questionnaire on the data costs related to the MSFD implementation up to 2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 DG MARE study to support Impact Assessment on the Marine Knowledge Questionnaire on the data costs related to the MSFD implementation up to 2020 Julia Teyssen and Michael Munk Sørensen 24 October 2012 Marine Knowledge 2020

2 Background Green Paper on Marine Knowledge 2020 has just been published for consultation COWI is working with DG MARE in doing a study to support the impacts assessment of the Marine Knowledge 2020 Our study comprises several elements including: Gather data on the costs of data in relation to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive implementation up to 2020 Gather information about the obligation for license/permit holders to hand over marine data and about the use of these marine data A questionnaire has been sent out to public authorities on data collected by holders of marine licenses/permits We have received already 10 replies 24 oktober 2012 Marine Knowledge 2020

3 Purpose of questionnaire on costs of data collection for MSFD
Overall: Support the development of the "Marine Knowledge 2020" initiative To introduce new initiatives and allocate EU funds a quantified impacts assessment is required and hence we need estimates of the benefits of better use of marine data Specifically: Estimates of possible benefit in having access to a wider pool of data (from research, industry, public sources) Estimates of cost savings from avoiding duplicate data collection programmes, Estimates of possible benefits from efficient data management and data flow mechanisms, Estimate of potential be benefits in using industry environmental data to supplement the Member States monitoring programmes Input to the further development of for example EMODnet All leading to cost savings in future data collection and reporting activities 24 October 2012 Marine Knowledge 2020

4 Estimates of costs of data collection – results from previous studies
Previous studies in relation to marine data has estimate a total annual costs of data collection at around €1,000 million. Estimates of the costs of implementing the MSFD done as part of the IA of the Directive suggested that it would costs: €90 million during implementation and then around €70 million per year The previous studies on marine data has suggested that better sharing and coordination could have a large saving potential In order to design and estimate the impacts it is important to have good estimates of the current costs and expected costs of MSFD 24 October 2012 Marine Knowledge 2020

5 Questionnaire The submitted questionnaire Key questions
The specific purpose of this questionnaire is to collect information from the MSFD Competent Authorities regarding efforts needed until 2020 for the acquisition, management and dissemination of data to meet the requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Key questions What has been the costs of data for MSFD so far Total data collection costs Collection of existing data New monitoring/surveying Gaps in existing data Where are there gaps Which type of data has been most expensive to collect What will be the costs up to 2020 Costs of existing programmes Costs of new and additional monitoring programmes 24 October 2012 Marine Knowledge 2020

6 Next steps We hope that you can reply by 22 November
We encourage you to provide expert estimates if more precise data are not available We need to deliver a report by 3 December with results of the questionnaire and assessment We would be happy to assist and clarify if any questions are not clear Michael Munk Sørensen Julia Teyssen Thank you very much 24 October 2012 Marine Knowledge 2020

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