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Our New Integrated Business Management System [“IMS”]

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Presentation on theme: "Our New Integrated Business Management System [“IMS”]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our New Integrated Business Management System [“IMS”]
That Happens to Comply with ISO

2 Agenda Introductions & background Why the change? Your System Using it

3 Introduction and Background

4 What are ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015 The world’s most widely recognised quality and environmental management standards, outlining ways to achieve and benchmark consistent performance and service.

5 What is an Integrated Management System [IMS]?
A set of policies, processes and procedures that assist in the planning, execution and delivery of all aspects of our business.

6 Quality and environmental Aims of an IMS
Protecting the environment by preventing or mitigating adverse environmental impacts Mitigating the potential adverse effect of environmental conditions on the Company Assisting in the fulfilment of compliance obligations Enhancing environmental performance Controlling the way products/services are designed, manufactured, distributed, consumed and disposed of Achieving financial and operational benefits Communicating environmental information to interested parties Understanding risks and minimising the likelihood and impact of them

7 Your Management’s Perspective

8 ISO Standards – The Essentials

9 Forget the phrase ISO System built to make you more efficient and effective Mainly just written down what already happens BUT will be independently audited against ISO requirements ISO 9001 (Quality) ISO (Environment) So regular internal reviews (“audits”) to make sure processes are being followed. MUST do what the system says you do.

10 What you need to know about the system
Whatever your role in the Company, it will interact with the IMS – find out how and ensure your actions comply with the relevant process. Understand your role in the Company and its place within the IMS Support colleagues in their roles within the IMS Know your responsibilities and act on them Find out who to report nonconformities and improvement opportunities to Get to know the key policies and objectives Ensure customer focus at all times Report accidents and incidents promptly

11 What you need to know about the system
Be aware you have an IMS Be aware how to get to the system Be aware that you have POLICIES & OBJECTIVES for Quality, Environment and Occupational Health & Safety NEVER save a template locally – ALWAYS download from system Always do what the system says you do in the way it says you do it Think about your role in relation to quality, environment and H&S at work Know who is point of contact for the system Advise Cassandra Topp of customer feedback/complaint (they need to record it and take action) Occasional internal & external audits – NOT TESTS, THERE TO HELP YOU

12 Quality (9001) In essence Describe what you do
Do what you say you do – to the standard you say you do it Keep records to Prove what you have done Gather data to guide how you improve things Ask clients and others (including staff) for feedback Act on that feedback Continually improve

13 14001 extras Compliance with Legislation
Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register and action plan MINUTED decision as to whether publish your Environmental Aspects Operational Controls/Emergency Preparedness & Response (Emergency Plans, etc.) Monitoring & Measurement (if applicable)

14 OHSAS 18001 Extra Compliance with Legislation
Risk assessments done and documented Risk mitigation plans – following the “hierarchy of control” MINUTED decision as to whether publish your Environmental Aspects Operational Controls/Emergency Preparedness & Response (Emergency Plans, etc.) Monitoring & Measurement (if applicable)

15 What is a process?

16 Questions?

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