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Mid Term II Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Mid Term II Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid Term II Review

2 A review of the contents covered by the final exam
* : will be covered by the final exam Other contents listed: may be covered by the final exam Contents not listed: will not be covered by the final exam 2

3 Mid-term II Account for 20% of the grade 100 points in total
32% multiple choice 68% questions and answer 3

4 Higher-level Testing System Testing GUI Testing 4
Factors to be considered GUI Testing Event Based testing tools Screen Based testing tools 4

5 Regression Testing Test Case Prioritization*
Code-coverage based prioritization Combination-coverage based prioritization Total Strategy and Additional Strategy Testing change relevant code Control Dependency Data Dependency 5

6 Performance Testing Input Load
Single input length Number of inputs Frequency of inputs Concept of stress testing, soak testing and spike testing* 6

7 Automatic Test Case Generation
Know what are the major approaches to automatic test case generation* How to perform adaptive random testing given an input range* 7

8 Issue Tracking System The major types of issues
The life cycle of an issue* Major resolution of issues 8

9 Debugging Concept of delta debugging*
Understand the process of delta debugging, given a number of inputs and the input set that will reveal bug* Concept of statistical debugging 9

10 Common Security Bugs The concept of buffer overflow, stack status when buffer overflow happens How to provide inputs to result in an SQL injection or OS injection* 10

11 Common Performance Bugs
Three major types of bugs causing time inefficiency The concept of memory leak and find memory leak bugs within code snippets* 11

12 Coding Styles Know about proper coding styles at all levels
Find coding style problems in given code* Know about proper commenting, and how to generate Javadoc 12

13 Exception Handling Control flow of try-catch-finally block
Good Catch and Bad Catch* Re-throw Find errors in try-catch-finally code samples* 13

14 Static Bug Detection Major types of specifications*
General specifications and relevant bugs when violated* 14

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