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is funded principally through a grant of the SPE FOUNDATION The Society gratefully acknowledges those companies that support the program by allowing their professionals to participate as Lecturers. And special thanks to The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME) for their contribution to the program.

2 Managing Uncertainty in the Reservoir Model
Ashley Francis Managing Director Earthworks Environment & Resources Ltd 16 January 2019 © Earthworks Environment & Resources Ltd. All rights reserved

3 What is Uncertainty? There is that which we know we know
There is that which we know we don’t know There is that which we don’t know we don’t know Who said this? Plato, 380 BC, Meno see

4 Uncertainty Precision or Accuracy?
Small Uncertainty Precise Inaccurate Most technical procedures and uncertainty modelling are designed to reduce uncertainty by improving precision Improving accuracy of predictions is a far more important objective Accuracy Actual Reserves Probability Large Uncertainty Imprecise Accurate Reserves

5 Typical Stages of Reservoir Modelling
Structural framework modelling and faults Grid and layer definitions Scale-up of well logs into grid cells Lateral prediction of facies and porosity Permeability prediction

6 Horizons, Zones and Layers
Well #1 Well #2 Layers Seismic Pick Horizons Cells Zone 1 Zone 2 Formation Tops

7 Geostatistical Reservoir Model Weaknesses and Uncertainty
Top structure uncertainty Scale-up of core and well log data into cells Lateral prediction of properties away from wells Relationships between porosity and permeability Incorporating seismic property information

8 1. Top Structure Uncertainty
Top structure surface is often a smooth, best case depth map Smooth depth maps result in biased volumetric estimates Top structure uncertainty is often ignored in reservoir modelling What about gross rock volume uncertainty? GRV may be largest uncertainty GRV cannot be measured directly GRV uncertainty routinely estimated using geostatistical realisations of depth conversion

9 Consequences of Smooth Structure Maps
The volume of the accumulation is generally underestimated (depth/OWC or GWC case) The area of an accumulation is underestimated The accumulation appears more contiguous / connected than it really is These points can easily be illustrated by progressively smoothing a known surface such as digital elevation (topographic) data Mapping (estimation) will smooth in a similar manner

10 Top Structure Smoothing 3D Seismic Data Quality
Smoothing = 13x13 Volume = 195 Mm3 Smoothing = 9x9 Volume = 227 Mm3 Smoothing = 5x5 Volume = 262 Mm3 Smoothing = 3x3 Volume = 278 Mm3 Smoothing = 1x1 Volume = 300 Mm3

11 Smoothing of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)
Predicted Volume Cumulative Frequency Depth Oil-water contact CDF of Estimated Depth Surface True Volume CDF of Data Integrate Samples

12 Kriging and Simulation
Consider an experiment involving tossing a fair coin Heads is denoted “0” and tails “1” The Expected Value Ev is (P0.5 * 0 + P0.5 * 1) = 0.5 Ev is the mean, average, deterministic or kriged result Our best estimate of the result of tossing the coin is always 0.5 because this gives the smallest average square error (least squares) The only possible realisations (outcomes or simulations) for tossing the coin are “0” or “1”

13 Conditional Simulation Objectives
In order to obtain unbiased estimates of gross rock volume we require geostatistical simulations of the top structure Each realisations is conditional to (ties) the measured data points at the wells Each realisation restores the histogram using a Monte Carlo process and so avoids smoothing Each realisation reproduces the spatial correlation behaviour represented by the variogram model This is critical for the correct connectivity behaviour

14 4 Example Realisations 2D Seismic Case
248 Mm3 233 Mm3 213 Mm3 197 Mm3

15 Cutoff Probability Calculations
Realisation #0002 Realisation #0001 Realisation #0003 Realisation #0004 Realisation #0020 Realisation #0010 Realisation #0005 Realisation #0050

16 Isoprobability Cutoff Map 100 Realisations

17 Connectivity Probability 2 Cells in Parallel
50% 100% 100% 50% If critical nodes are independent connectivity = 75% If critical nodes are dependent connectivity = 50%

18 Connectivity Calculations
Realisation #0003 Realisation #0002 Realisation #0001 Realisation #0004 Realisation #0005 Realisation #0050 Realisation #0020 Realisation #0010

19 Connectivity Probability Map 100 Realisations
Connected Probability = 72%

20 2. Scale-up from Log to Cells
After designing the grid and layer definitions we need to perform a scale-up of the well logs into the grid cells penetrated by the wells Volume scale change from well log sample to model cell is about 500,000 : 1 Typically between 10 and 300 log samples are averaged into a cell depending on the deviated trajectory of the well passing through the cell Cell never contains the appropriate porosity and uncertainty for its scale

21 Scale of Measurements Log to Cell
Zone C Zone B Zone A 50 m 2 m

22 Scale-up or Re-sampling?
Averaging is a smoothing operation and changes the effective scale of measurement CDF becomes narrower and steeper Cell size variation and well deviation means CDF is varying from cell to cell across model Averaging is between 10:1 and 300:1 from log to cell Resampling by selecting a subset of data does not change the scale of measurement CDF remains the same

23 Smoothing of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)
Cumulative Frequency Porosity Porosity Cutoff CDF of Averaged Data Predicted Volume CDF of Data True Volume Integrate Samples

24 3. Lateral Prediction from Wells
After simulating facies need to populate each facies with appropriate porosity (and permeability) values Typical procedure is to map porosity in the model, usually by facies type and following the stratigraphic layering Proper procedure is to geostatistically simulate porosity within the model

25 Radius of Influence Which Map Do You Prefer?
1000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000

26 Mapping is Estimation We refer to our reconstruction of the sub-surface as a map but this is misleading Mapping is the work of a cartographer A cartographer represents on a sheet of paper that which they already know Sub-surface “mapping” is actually on estimation procedure Prediction of the value of a property at an unmeasured location Estimation obtains accuracy by smoothing the measured values towards the mean or local trend

27 4. Permeability Transform
Permeability is defined at the core scale Permeability values are very sparse at each well Commonly perform a transform to either Convert well log porosity to a permeability log Convert mapped porosity to mapped permeability

28 Cutoffs on Predictors are Biased
Equation is best predictor of permeability from porosity (under certain assumptions) Cutoff 1mD = 9.5% porosity Porosity cutoff (B+D): 92.5% net Permeability cutoff (A+B): 82.5% net Cutoff calculations cannot be applied to the results of estimation A B C D Actual Perm Range Predicted Range

29 Poro-Perm Transforms Transform from porosity to permeability causes smoothing due to estimation Transform commonly defined at core scale but applied at log or even at cell scale Typical 300:1 scale change from core to log Over 100 Million : 1 scale change from core to model cell Different properties scale-up in different ways Porosity linear averaging Permeability harmonic/geometric averaging or tensor upscaling Estimators and cutoffs should not be used together

30 Scale of Measurements Core Plug to Cell
(x70) Zone C Zone B Zone A 50 m 2 m

31 5. Seismic Property Constraints
The use of deterministic seismic inversion to generate quantitative seismic impedance estimates is becoming common as an input to reservoir modelling Deterministic seismic inversion combines data from wells and seismic to create a broad bandwidth impedance model of the earth Seismic resolution is at a coarser scale than the cell size of most reservoir models Average properties over a zone

32 Scale of Measurements Core Plug to Seismic
(x70) Zone C Zone B Zone A 50 m 2 m

33 Deterministic Inversion
The impedance information at low frequencies is simply an interpolation of the well data and so deterministic inversions should not be used to condition reservoir models Frequency Seismic Wells

34 CSSI Deterministic Inversion Final Inversion
Sparse Spike Elastic Impedance (All Frequencies) 1.5 2.0 2.5 Two-way time (sec)

35 CSSI Deterministic Inversion Low Frequency Model
Sparse Spike Elastic Impedance (Low Freq. Model) 1.5 2.0 2.5 Two-way time (sec)

36 Conditioning with Seismic Data
Conditioning a reservoir model to a deterministic inversion is equivalent to conditioning to a map of the wells only It is ok to condition a reservoir model to seismic attributes relative or coloured impedances deterministic inversion filtered to remove low frequencies A better strategy is to condition to realisations of impedance generated through stochastic seismic inversion Incorporates geophysical uncertainty in the reservoir model

37 Constraining Reservoir Models with 3D Seismic Volumes
Ideally our reservoir models should be fully consistent with the large amount of (pre-stack) 3D seismic amplitude information Probability transforms from seismic to rock properties Stochastic inversion to give impedance realisations Conditioning to seismic through full rock physics model

38 Deterministic Inversion
Two-way time (ms) 5,000 10,000 Absolute Impedance (m/s * g/cc)

39 Lithology Discrimination

40 Deterministic Inversion Sand Prediction
Two-way time (ms) 8,150 12,150 Absolute Impedance (m/s * g/cc)

41 Deterministic Inversion Sand Thickness Prediction
1,000 ft 0.0 50.0 Sand Thickness (ft)

42 Non-Uniqueness Two-way time (ms) 4,500 11,500
Absolute Impedance (m/s * g/cc)

43 Predicted Sand P50 Stochastic Inversion
Two-way time (ms) 40% 100% Sand Probability 50%

44 Stochastic Inversion Sand Isochron 50% Isoprob
1,000 ft 0.0 50.0 Sand Thickness (ft)

45 Stochastic Inversion Sand Isochron 50% Probability
1,000 ft 0.0 50.0 Sand Thickness (ft)

46 Deterministic Inversion Sand Prediction Failure
Poor Prediction Of Thin Channel Thick Sand Correctly Predicted Sand Thickness Under-Predicted 1,000 ft 0.0 50.0 Sand Thickness (ft)

47 Total Net Sand Volume Distribution Curve
Deterministic Net Sand Estimate = 8.5% Stochastic Net Sand Mean Estimate = 13.5% Well Net Sand Average = 13.2%

48 Geostatistical Reservoir Model Coupled Directly to 3D Seismic
3D Reservoir Model Geology/Petrophysics Rock/Fluid Property Model Forward Seismic Seismic Constraint Update Rock Properties Time Lapse 3D Seismic

49 Summary Significant scale changes are not properly accounted for in reservoir models Estimation, including linear regression and mapping, involve smoothing and this results in significant volumetric bias and potential misclassification Deterministic seismic inversion data is not suitable for conditioning reservoir models Future geostatistical reservoir models should include comprehensive mechanisms for conditioning directly to the seismic response through a coupled rock physics model



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