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Enquiry in RE: What matters most at Easter?

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1 Enquiry in RE: What matters most at Easter?
This presentation for REtoday subscribers helps pupils in the 4-7 age range to think about the story and symbols of the festival of Easter. The children need to have heard the story of Jesus’ last days and Easter Sunday first. The work is a reminder of the story, and a thoughtful extension. Show them ten things that are reminders of the Easter story, then ask them which ones matter most for Christians. RE uses enquiry methods to help pupils learn fro themselves.

2 What matters most at Easter?

3 What did the little donkey do for Jesus in the story?
Christians think Jesus was not too proud to ride a donkey.

4 What did the people do with their Palm branches when Jesus came to town?
Christians think Jesus is a King.

5 Why is there a bag of money in the Easter story?
Jesus friend Judas turned out to be his enemy.

6 What does bread have to do with the Easter story?
Christians use bread to remember Jesus.

7 What does wine have to do with the Easter story?
Christians think it matters a lot to remember Jesus.

8 What happened to Jesus on Good Friday?
For Christians, the cross is a reminder of Jesus’ love.

9 Why did Jesus’ women friends bring ointment to the grave of Jesus when he had died?
They were surprised that his body was gone. They believed he came back to life.

10 What does the empty grave remind you of in the story?
Christian say Jesus came alive again.

11 When people eat Hot Cross Buns what might they think about?
The cross is a sign of Easter for Christians

12 Why do you think Christians like to go to Church at Easter?
Christians believe that Jesus Lives!

13 What matters most at Easter?

14 Teachers might... Give pupils a copy of the last slide with the ten drawings on it and ask them to say what matters most by numbering the drawings 1-10. Talk about whether chocolate eggs matter at Easter, and why Christians might say that other things matter more Teach children more about the music that Christians use at Easter, for sad and happy parts of the festival Make simple links between Easter and other ‘big days’ or festivals that the children have been learning about, or that they practice at home.

15 Copyright RE Today A download for members and subscribers from www
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