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Presentation on theme: "STRATEGIC BUILDINGS TASK GROUP"— Presentation transcript:


2 SBTG EstabLished September 2014 Wide membership Archdeacon Area Deans Stipendiary clergy Chairman DBF Lay members Professional advisor Support from officers REMIT To devise a coherent and sustainable plan for buildings and assets ….. to enable and sustain church growth and mission across the Diocese

3 What is a Strategic building?

4 Other land and buildings
Church Parsonage Church Hall School Other land and buildings

5 CONSIDERATIONS Parsonages Property Committee, QI, Incumbents Schools DBE, LEA Headteachers Halls Diverse ownership, eg trusts No data/records Other property and land DBF

6 Early decision - CONSIDER CHURCHES FIRST It would be the easiest category on which to gather information – we thought!


8 A landmark building? A Civic Church? A Community Hub? Something else?

9 Churches Average Weekly Attendance - AWA
Quinquennial Inspection Reports -QIs Average Weekly Attendance - AWA Parish Share as % of Unrestricted Income ParishDataView Some issues Not all QIs available Some outdated

10 Total score 4 to 12 Scoring Methodology – Traffic light system
Assessment on latest available QI AWA Good score 3 100+ score 3 Fair score 2 score 2 Poor score 1 >36 score 1 Parish Share as % of Unrestricted Income Parish Population Under 40% score 3 13,000+ score 3 40-66% score 2 5, ,999 score 2 66% score 1 Under5,000 score 1 Total score 4 to 12 Altering the weighting makes little difference overall

11 119 Parishes Population of under 5,000
HEADLINE STATISTICS 32 Churches In POOR CONDITION 103 Churches AWA 36 or below 119 Parishes Population of under 5,000 55 Parish share Is 66% or more of unrestricted income Many Churches are in 3 or all 4 of these categories – a STRONG CORRELATION ParishDataView confirms these concerns

12 Score 4 Number of churches 1 5 8 6 41 50 7 84 134 8 93 227 9 62 10 18 11 3 12 0 310

13 SBTG Currently looking at: Proximity/location of low scores Issues include: Deanery and Archdeaconry boundaries Geography/topography and accessibility Churchmanship Still need to consider other buildings

14 The work of the SBTG is NOT presented as an exact science – it is offered as an indication of the issues we need to

15 What would YOUR congregation say is most important, the continued use of YOUR church as a building or the continued gathering together as a community?


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