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Welcome to the assembly of the 160th Ave. Church of Christ!

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1 Welcome to the assembly of the 160th Ave. Church of Christ!
We gather Sunday at 9 AM (class), 10 AM, 5 PM, & Wednesday at 7 PM Check the bulletin for various announcements

2 Pray for Ben Calderon (Conway, Arkansas)
Sept. 17, 2017

3 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! (Psalms 139:14, 17 NKJV)

4 Things That Will and Will Not Change If We Have Elders

5 IF . . . A decision requiring knowledge 1 Tim. 3; Ti. 1
A decision requiring wisdom Js. 3:17 I. “If” in title because we are in the process of that decision A. This decision requires knowledge that is from above 1 Tim. 3; Ti. 1 B. This decision requires wisdom that is from above Js. 3:17 1. pure, seeking to please God by doing my part in this process (just like in Acts 6) 2. peaceable, gentle when making judgments about other people with other people 3. willing to yield in matters of personal preference 4. full of mercy, good fruits, no partiality, no hypocrisy a. This process is a test of each of us—what fruit will be shown? b. If there is not more than one man qualified, we must appoint no one c. If there is more than one man qualified, then they must be appointed d. If we decide that c. is the case, what will not and will change?

6 What will not change Jesus is Chief Shepherd 1 Pet. 5:2, 4
Need for all to do their share Eph. 4:11-12, 16 “As the chief shepherd of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI plays many roles…” II. Not A. Jesus remains the Chief Shepherd 1 Pet. 5:2, 4 1. Peter makes it clear that there is a difference between shepherds and the Chief Shepherd a. “As the chief shepherd of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI plays many roles…” b. Peter does not call himself the Chief Shepherd here or ever; called this by no one in Scr 2. Elders cannot change any of Jesus’ teachings a. they must help us understand and practice them b. they watch for someone bringing other teachings than His B. Need for all to do their share Eph. 4:11-12, 16 a. When there were living apostles and prophets, saints still had their share—Acts 6! b. Your participation in our assemblies and classes (as teacher or learner) and your private work of helping sick and hospitality will be as important as ever! c. What your share is may change, but the importance of you doing your share will not C. Duty to watch 1. Phil. 3:1a, 2 a. there are bishops and deacons in Philippi but all are told to watch for the danger of error b. But soon, ideas were accepted such as: “...we should regard the bishop as the Lord himself” (Ignatius to the Ephesians, vi, transl by Lightfoot) “all of you follow the bishop as Jesus Christ followed the is not permitted to baptize...independently of the bishop” (Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans, viii, transl by Lightfoot) -- the man writing this claimed to be a bishop and seems to have been highly respected 2. As a part of this church, you (gender, age) are responsible to watch (this process of collecting and considering men or in general, of errors or false teachers that can influence us). a. if you know that any of these men is not the husb of one wife, not temperate, is quarrelsome, etc then talk to them and, if necessary, tell the church = your duty. b. if you don’t know either way, your duty to find out.

7 What will not change Jesus is Chief Shepherd 1 Pet. 5:2, 4
Need for all to do their share Eph. 4:11-12, 16 Duty to watch Phil. 3:1-2 “...we should regard the bishop as the Lord himself” (Ignatius to the Ephesians, vi, translation by Lightfoot) “all of you follow the bishop as Jesus Christ followed the Father ... it is not permitted to baptize ... independently of the bishop” (Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans, viii, translation by Lightfoot) II. Not A. Jesus remains the Chief Shepherd 1 Pet. 5:2, 4 1. Peter makes it clear that there is a difference between shepherds and the Chief Shepherd a. “As the chief shepherd of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI plays many roles…” b. Peter does not call himself the Chief Shepherd here or ever; called this by no one in Scr 2. Elders cannot change any of Jesus’ teachings a. they must help us understand and practice them b. they watch for someone bringing other teachings than His B. Need for all to do their share Eph. 4:11-12, 16 a. When there were living apostles and prophets, saints still had their share—Acts 6! b. Your participation in our assemblies and classes (as teacher or learner) and your private work of helping sick and hospitality will be as important as ever! c. What your share is may change, but the importance of you doing your share will not C. Duty to watch 1. Phil. 3:1a, 2 a. there are bishops and deacons in Philippi but all are told to watch for the danger of error b. But soon, ideas were accepted such as: “...we should regard the bishop as the Lord himself” (Ignatius to the Ephesians, vi, transl by Lightfoot) “all of you follow the bishop as Jesus Christ followed the is not permitted to baptize...independently of the bishop” (Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans, viii, transl by Lightfoot) -- the man writing this claimed to be a bishop and seems to have been highly respected 2. As a part of this church, you (gender, age) are responsible to watch (this process of collecting and considering men or in general, of errors or false teachers that can influence us). a. if you know that any of these men is not the husb of one wife, not temperate, is quarrelsome, etc then talk to them and, if necessary, tell the church = your duty. b. if you don’t know either way, your duty to find out.

8 What will change What is lacking will be in order Ti. 1:5
God will expect more of us Lk. 12:48b What “your share” is Eph. 4:16 (Acts 6) III. Will A. Things that are lacking are set in order Ti. 1:5 1. God has an order for the home and if something happens leaving the fam w/o husb/father or wife/mother a. something important is missing that affects the normal flow of the family. b. think of the joy and effectiveness that is restored to that family if what is missing is added 2. Churches w/o men qualified to lead are not sinning---qualifications limit who may do this work a. But without them, something important is missing, affecting how we work together: more decision-makers, strong and weak involved in important decisions. b. we don’t know the details but things improved in Crete when things were set in order. c. Do not overlook the importance and potential for our strength in Christ if things can be set in order B. Once things are in order, God expects more of us Lk. 12:48b 1. The work of the seven men in Acts 6 aided the church, and shepherds do that even more for God’s flock 2. Evangelist and teachers have experienced leaders with the same goals to aid them in identifying who, what, when, and how to teach (Eccl. 4:9ff)—that has to make us better. 3. Whether you are weak or strong, opportunities to grow will increase—what does God expect to see? 4. The men as a whole will be relieved of some things (various meetings and decisions, wondering “who do I ask?”)—what will we focus on, if freed from those duties? C. What your share is (Eph. 4:16; Acts 6) 1. New or altered a. When God sent Moses to Pharaoh, he hesitated at first but went and grew in faith. b. When Israel prepared to enter Canaan, twelve spies were needed, no one said “No.” c. You may be challenged to do things you’ve seen but not participated in—will you do your share when shepherds are leading you that direction? 2. In every change in life, something different is expected of us if we are going to grow throughout that season (can’t stay same worker, spouse, parent, or Christian)

9 Things That Will & Will Not Change If We Have Elders
What will most change your life? Turn to Christ Acts 2:38; Rom. 10:10 Return to Christ Acts 8:22; 1 Jn. 1:9 Abide in Christ John 15:7

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