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I Peter Lesson 1.

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1 I Peter Lesson 1

2 Author Peter 1:1 Apostle of Jesus Christ 1:1 Eyewitness
Elder and shepherd over the church 5:1 Partaker of the glory to be revealed 5:1 He had persevered in suffering and was looking forward to glory 5:1

3 Recipients Aliens, scattered throughout…. 1:1
ESV: those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion Peter had seen Jesus: these people had not 1:8 Heard the gospel preached 1:12, 1:25 Letter not written to one local church; they were scattered 1:1 Elders are among the recipients 5:1 Some seemed to be Gentiles 2:9-12; 4:3 Suffering, going through trials 1:6-7; 3:14; 4:12-13; 5:9-10 Had been slandered 2:12; 3:16; 4:4

4 Recipients Lived under human institutions of authority, like we do 2:13 Feared 3:14 Had a spiritual gift 4:10 The devil himself was seeking to devour them 5:8

5 Peter’s Purpose for Writing
Exhortation to: Stand firm in the true grace of God 5:12 True Grace of God = Salvation Grace 1:2, 10, 13; 3:7; 4:10; 5:5, 10, 12 Stand firm in your salvation

6 How??? Rejoice in trials 1:6-9; 4:12-13 Prepare your minds 1:13
Keep sober/be sober minded 1:13, 4:7; 5:8 Fix/set your hope completely on the grace to come 1:13 Don’t be conformed to former lusts/passions 1:14; 2:11 Be holy in all your behavior 1:15; 2:12 Love one another 1:22; 4:8 Long for the pure milk of the Word in order to grow in your salvation 2:2

7 How???? Submit/be subject to human and Christian authorities 2:13-3:6; 5:5 Be humble in spirit/mind 3:8-9; 5:5-7 Don’t fear 3:14 Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts 3:15 Be ready to make a defense to anyone who asks 3:15 Keep a good conscience 2:19; 3:16, 21 Have Christ’s purpose: live for God’s will 4:1-2 Be hospitable/show hospitality without complaint 4:9

8 How???? Clothe yourselves in humility toward one another 5:5
Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God 5:6 Cast all your anxiety on Him 5:7 Resist the devil 5:9

9 Key Words (some!!!) Grace and suffering Glory (14 times!!) Revelation
Submit/submission/be subject Doing good/right Good conscience Purpose Fear Humble Angels Word

10 I Peter Themes Chapter 1 Peter began by telling how salvation comes and about trials Exhorted us to prepare our minds for action Love is a part of that action Possible Theme: Keep sober in spirit or Fix hope on grace or Prepare minds for action Chapter 2 Growing from the Word of God Living stones, the Corner Stone Abstain from sins of former life Keep your behavior excellent; submit.. Possible Theme: Submit/Honor/Love/Fear God

11 I Peter Themes Chapter 3 Wives and husbands, follow Jesus’ example of submission Live humbly without fear Suffering, for righteousness is part of God’s will Possible theme: Wives/Husbands/All do what is right or Turn from evil/Do what is right Chapter 4 Live no longer as you did Suffering Judgment Possible theme: Be of sound judgment and sober spirit

12 I Peter Themes Chapter 5 Peter told his fellow elders how to shepherd the flock Called all to be humble/resist the devil This is true grace. Stand firm in it Possible theme: Resist the devil/Be humble Sober: (3525) Nepho: free from illusion, not drunk or intoxicated, free from the intoxicating influences of sin (like the impact of selfish passion, greed, etc.) Presence of mind, clear judgment, “have one’s wits about them” which is opposite of being irrational.

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