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Hannele's research since Hyytiälä

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Presentation on theme: "Hannele's research since Hyytiälä"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hannele's research since Hyytiälä
Now working at University of Kuopio, Finland Global modelling of (marine) aerosols with GLOMAP (Univ. Leeds) CCN seasonality in the Southern Ocean geoengineering: controlled sea spray fluxes to increase albedo of low level marine clouds changes in marine CCN sources due to climate change (wind speed, DMS) Hoping to move to the continents (and SOA business) soon…

2 Marine CCN sources in Southern Ocean
Comparison to measurements seasonal trend captured well seasonality not predicted if DMS emissions neglected CCN increase due to DMS from November to April (max 48% in Jan); no winter effect South of 45o S DMS effect only from December to February seasonality also in run with DMS emissions strong winds -> sea spray source oxidation of LRT SO2 -> non-linearity of FT nucleation Over 94% of DMS effect via FT nucleation (the rest via growth of sea spray to CCN size)

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