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news Third Grade December 5-9 Mrs. Cose A Note from the Teacher

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1 news Third Grade December 5-9 Mrs. Cose A Note from the Teacher
What’s Happening in... Parents, On Wednesday December 14th, Blanton is having a Winter/Holiday Parade! This is an exciting activity for our children. If the weather is nice we will have our parade outside the front doors of Blanton. If the weather isn’t cooperating, we will parade the halls like we have done for our storybook character day. December 16- Third Grade Holiday Party 11:20-12:05 December 19-January 2 Winter Break Reading/Writing: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Novel Study Math: Quadrilaterals Science: Science Question of the Day Social Studies: Map Skills Homework reminder Please read for a minimum of 20 minutes each night. Practice fact fluency by doing flashcards or visit Dates to remember Thank You, Mrs. Cose

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