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6.Quality, maintenance and documentation l Development cycle l Productisation l Plan for quality l Plan for maintenance; l Plan for documentation:

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Presentation on theme: "6.Quality, maintenance and documentation l Development cycle l Productisation l Plan for quality l Plan for maintenance; l Plan for documentation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 6.Quality, maintenance and documentation l Development cycle l Productisation l Plan for quality l Plan for maintenance; l Plan for documentation:

2 Development cycle: Effort Time SpecificationAnalysisBuild Test Maintain Alpha Beta

3 Productisation l Generalisation – Does the product work on all target systems? Hardware variants/constraints O/S variants – Internationalisation Language, number, date and time formats l Documentation – Installation, User Guide, Reference Manual, Help texts, examples, training – System manual, maintenance documentation – Conformance l Legals – IPR generated (Copyright, trademark) – IPR used – Licence, contract, liability

4 Productisation II l Packaging – Artwork, Box, Deliverables l Manufacture – Reproduction, Manual printing, Stocking – Distribution set-up l Marketing Materials – Leaflets, brochures, advertisements Text, Artwork, approvals l Testing – Usability – Market – Standards approvals l Maintenance – Organisation setup and training – Help desk - staff, facilities,, FAQs, training – Report forms, database and summaries

5 Supply side management l Quality control – Monitoring – Contingency planning l Information systems – Stock control Just in time Shipping Integration with suppliers l Reliability of supply – Multiple sources l Change management – Evolution

6 Plan for quality l Cheaper in the long run l Build-in from the start; cant be added later l Board-level function l Good Practice

7 Standards l ISO 9000/BS 5750 – Tracebility l BS 7799 – Information Management and Security l Internal standards

8 Control and review l Record key decisions l Control key documents l Control versions and deliverables l Define standards – Coding standards Naming conventions Routine structure Testing – Documentation standards House style Conventions and examples l Review and Audit

9 Key Documents l Project Definition – User Requirement Document – Project Constraints Document l Base definition – Functional Specification or prototype – Top Level design l Control – Project Plan – Project Log – Quality Plan – Document Plan

10 Detailed Controlled Documents l Sub-system specs and interfaces l Data model and dictionary l Module specs and interface l Released code and documentation

11 Monitoring: l Early warning of impending disaster – Time to do something about it – Avoid unpleasant surprises l Culture: – Communication Internal With client – OK to ask for help – Requests taken seriously l Milestones – Roughly one every 1-2 weeks l Review meetings – Weekly

12 Meetings l Keep it short – meetings are expensive l Circulate agenda and papers BEFORE l Start on time l Purpose and structure l Finish on time l 1 page minutes

13 Brain-storming l Problem solving l Purpose l List ideas/topics, no matter how crazy l Vote l Work on top three – break up into subgroups l Report

14 Agenda l Typical Board meeting l Place for decisions, not discussion – CALL TO ORDER Attendance Minutes Matters arising – STATUTORY BUSINESS – REPORTS Financial Report Business Development Personnel Shareholders Issues – AOB – DATE OF NEXT MEETING

15 SWOT l Strengths l Weaknesses l Opportunities l Threats

16 ACCTO l Criteria for customer acceptance – Everett Rogers The Diffusion of Innovation – 80% of new product failures are due to new customer acceptance l A - relative Advantage – competitive advantage over existing products l C - Complexity – Can I understand it l C -Compatibility l T -Trialability – Can I test it without risk first? l O - Observability – Can I see the benefits?

17 Testing l Test plan l Test suite – Base functionality – Specific bugs – Performance – Correct failure – re-run the entire suite each time l Bug reports and database l Action plan for fixes – Prioritisation

18 Plan for maintenance l The relationship goes on – Revenue stream 12% p.a – Future sales channel l Levels l Help desk l Internal documentation l Record keeping

19 Plan for documentation: l 10 x the coding effort l Specialist skill l Levels of documents – User – Training – System – Maintenance l Avoid forward references! l Conformance

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