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Linking London: Partnership, Success and Future

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1 Linking London: Partnership, Success and Future
Further Education Landscape and the Future Paul Head, Principal and Chief Executive March 2010

2 Where does it feel we are coming from…even if it’s not true

3 Ploughing a furrow… we knew the world we were in
Sense of Direction: public service reform not revolution Manage, in control of what's happening Expanding resources Change that could be managed Keep the quality right, no problems Hit the targets, get the money

4 Where are we now…

5 Riding two, even more, horses…change is constant and uncertain….
Expanding resources but it can’t continue Need to plan for reductions and make best use of what remains Will be testing of our skills and experience New political and economic directions Response to recession, prepare for recovery Innovate, react, create, lots of risk

6 Current Context: Learners
For Learners it’s very personal… “fees, debts, will I get a job at the end of this, if I do this course now the recovery might have started by the time I finish, how much will I get paid, am I doing the right course, will I get to university, feeling safe in an uncertain world” Access to opportunities to succeed, high aspirations, high expectations of services, ‘driven’, success Where will the jobs be, what does a career look like at 18, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, personal risk

7 Current Context: Colleges
Recession, recovery and public spending Dealing with present, planning for the future, we all know reductions in public spending is coming (Monday), the uncertainty of the scale, future years Managing change in an world of expanding resources is very different from doing it in a static and even declining one Are we, leaders and managers at all levels, equipped with the skills to manage service improvement with declining resources, scale of reduction will be significant

8 Current Context: Colleges
Organisation, simplification and regulation, a balance, be careful what you wish for Savings and investment 5% is one thing, 10% another. 20% is different, 30% needs you to rethink Consolidation and shake out, specialisation, small or large Public sector 2020 what does it mean for FE The fundamentals are the same….aren't they?

9 So where are we going, using the horses differently…
So where are we going, using the horses differently…. making sense of change and new alignments….David and Nick…

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