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Kathryn Mayo English 334.

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Presentation on theme: "Kathryn Mayo English 334."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kathryn Mayo English 334

2 Sorry, Wrong!

3 History of Computer Science

4 From prehistory to computers to the internet

5 Ethnological and Psychological Origins of Numbers

6 Domestic animals notice one item missing from a small set

7 Goldfinches distinguish between piles of seed
3 and 1 3 and 2 4 and 2 4 and 3 6 and 3

8 The story of the crow

9 Childhood development
Sensory motor period Pre-operative period Intuitive period Stage of concrete operations Formal functions

10 Born with few innate abilities

11 One, two, many Toddlers

12 Real counting only after language development

13 one, two… many Australian Yanomamo Australian Botocudos Zulu Bushmen

14 How Cro-Magnon Man Counted

15 pebbles, shells, hard fruit, small sticks

16 3 stages of development only lowest numbers grasped
names of the body parts start to mean something else numbers get names two three one

17 The limits of perception

18 Grouping of 5 lines found all over the world

19 Early ways of counting on the fingers

20 Knuckles and joints

21 Counting on the body

22 Morra mentioned through history
still played in Italy, Southeast France, Morocco hua quan in China, Mongolia Rabelais, Malherbe Greece vases Egyptian tombs

23 The Game of Morra

24 Numbers on Strings quipu Inca

25 numbers, value and money
barter objects given a value of a certain number of debens cheating kept money from being used government had to take over minting money

26 Base Numbers and the Birth of Number-Systems

27 Why base 10 ?

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