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Collaborative Project

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1 Collaborative Project
9th Grade Eslr Collaborative Project

2 Research Phase Overview
Each topic has something to do with prejudice, intolerance, and injustice, along with subsequent efforts of reparations or restorative justice. Individuals will conduct formal independent research that requires them to take careful notes and prepare a bibliography of sources using Students will need to be prepared to discuss their learning and ideas about the topic in the 1st collaborative session. Each student must bring: A minimum of 5 sources with evidence of detailed notes that can be printed. A copy of the bibliography, exported from easybib to Google drive and THEN printed.

3 Research time-- Students should expect to spend hours of time researching in this initial phase, including class time on January 8th. There is NO excuse to not complete additional research. My room will be open on Monday during 5th period and at lunch on Tuesday for students who need time or access to computers. Students are expected to examine a minimum of 4 sources—but above all are to come to class having spent hours of QUALITY reading and investigation. Have notes or annotations that provide EVIDENCE of that preparation! Independent research, equity, and accountability area critical element to supporting collaborative discussions and activity.

4 Research Should be driven by Questions relating to restorative justice:
What happened? “What harm resulted?” This includes both immediate and long-term effects Think about the ripple effect relating to people and communities, as well as over time. What has been done to make things right? What were the initial efforts? Are there continuing efforts relating to Restorative Justice measures or reparations? What still needs to be done due to unresolved issues with this specific topic, or related issues still present in 2018?

5 Research requirements:
You must attempt to use the SAGE library databases for your research. You must add your citations for all sources to a shared bibliography on Export citations from the SAGE library databases. Remember to export and select Double check that it is added to your bibliography. If you wish to use other scholarly resources not found on the database, YOU MUST have teacher approval. Citations may be attempted with the auto cite feature, but students are responsible for checking the accuracy and for any missing information that can be found on the outside resource.

6 Looking ahead: 1st Collaborative Session—Tuesday, January 9th
Sharing of research and learning—providing evidence of note taking and bibliography Discussion of topic in relation to restorative justice and reparations, including present-day issues Division of presentation subtopics Commitment to conduct further research if necessary and complete a full-faith draft of an outline for the assigned portion of the draft. (Do NOT draft the introduction or conclusion!)

7 Looking ahead: 2nd Collaborative Session: Thursday, January 11th
Completed sections of the draft will be shared AND TIMED to consider minute range for presentations Group feedback regarding content—revisions, additions, and cuts Groups will collectively develop an introduction and conclusion with length or depth determined, in part, by the length of the rest of the presentation Introduction of the visual aid component—images ONLY! Students will create and cite their assigned slides for the presentation prior to Monday, June 9th. Commitment to revise and practice presentations to ensure scholarly, mature delivery of the presentation. 3rd Collaborative MINI-Session: Friday, January 12th Brief meeting for final questions and commitment to preparation for FINAL presentation.

8 Final Presentation Presentations will begin a few minutes after the start of class on Wednesday and Thursday, January 17th -18th. Groups may want to agree upon meeting Tuesday or Wednesday prior to class if you are worried about last minute questions/concerns or need to do extra work, either as individuals or a group. My room will be open during 5th period on Tuesday, January 16th. My room will be during lunch on Wednesday, January 17th. Students who miss the final will have to make arrangements for an alternate assignment in lieu of the presentation to be submitted to prior to grading deadline.

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