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Premier Athletics Commitment Statement

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1 Premier Athletics Commitment Statement
Commitment from Parents Commitment from Athlete We understand the commitment that we are making as a family to the Premier Athletics coaches and other All Star team members. We will participate for the entire year from May 2017 until the final competition in April/May 2018. This includes Preseason (Premier Showcase), Regular Season (Competition Schedule), and Post Season (Worlds or Summit) Events. If for some reason, circumstances occur which require our withdrawal from the program, we do not expect any refund of fees or competition expenses. We understand that there are two to four 2 day travel competitions as well as several 1 day local competitions that every All-Star is required to attend and I will have my All-Star there ON TIME. We understand that an All-Star can be dismissed from the squad for breaking the attendance policy. We understand that an All-Star may not be allowed to compete if they miss a practice one week prior to a competition and that we will not be refunded for the competition fees. We understand that consistent negative conversation will not be tolerated, and if it becomes a detriment to team unity and chemistry, All-Stars or parents participating will either be dismissed from the program or told not to attend practice. We will promote good sportsmanship at all times. We also understand that Premier Athletics reserves the right to dismiss my child or myself from the gym for inappropriate behavior. If this happens while out of town, the expense to send your child home will be the parents’ responsibility. We have read both the financial packet and the general All Star handbook and understand its contents. We understand our Role as a Parent as listed in the General Handbook I understand the commitment that I am making as an athlete to the Premier Athletics coaches and other All Star team members. I will participate for the entire year from May 2017 until the final competition in April/May 2018. This includes Preseason (Premier Showcase), Regular Season (Competition Schedule), and Post Season (Worlds or Summit) Events. I understand that if I participate in activities other than Premier Athletics, my Premier Athletics Team comes FIRST. I will have good sportsmanship to my fellow teammates and other competitors while at competition. I agree to set a good example, by making good grades and having a good attitude. I understand that there are two to four 2 day travel competitions as well as several 1 day local competitions that I am required to attend, and I promise to show up ON TIME. I understand that I can be dismissed from the squad for breaking the attendance policy. I understand that I may not be allowed to compete if I miss a practice one week prior to a competition. I understand that consistent negative conversation will not be tolerated, and if it becomes a detriment to team unity and chemistry, I can be dismissed from the program. I also understand that Premier Athletics reserves the right to dismiss me from the squad for inappropriate behavior. If this happens while out of town, the expense to send me home will be my parents’ responsibility. I understand my Role as an Athlete of Premier Athletics as listed in the General Handbook. Signature of Parent___________________________________ Signature of Athlete______________________________________ Date _____/_____/2017

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