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Spring 2018 College Algebra Assessment

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1 Spring 2018 College Algebra Assessment
Results and Observations

2 Competency Levels Level 1 – Beginning Level 2 – Developing
Level 3 – Competent Level 4 - Accomplished

3 Critical Thinking Comprehending data/information Analyzing data
Developing a viable solution plan Drawing well supported conclusions (*) * Shared competency

4 Quantitative Reasoning
Classifying and utilizing facts and formulas correctly Constructing a mathematical model Solving using appropriate procedures Drawing well supported conclusions (*) * Shared competency

5 Learning Outcomes and Expected Performance (%)
Students will be able effectively analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and apply information and ideas from diverse sources and disciplines. Students will be able to demonstrate quantitative reasoning. 70% or more will earn a grade of 75% or higher (scoring three or more on a scale of four)

6 Details 250 students randomly selected from all 5 campuses
Stratified by campus, time of day, full-time/part-time instructor 166 artifacts returned (66.4%) 125 completed artifacts scored 11 attended but left blank (Compared to16 Spring ‘17) 30 students withdrew before the assessment (Compared to 24 Spring ‘17) 81 artifacts were not submitted by 25 faculty members 3 artifacts were unusable 22 faculty members participated in artifact scoring session All campuses represented

7 Spring 2018 Holistic Scores
Quantitative Reasoning Critical Thinking Beginning: 41.6% Developing: 23.2% Competent: 12% Accomplished: 23.2% Beginning: 48% Developing: 16% Competent: 10.4% Accomplished: 25.6%

8 Statistical Data per Indicator
Performance Indicators Average STD DEV Median Classifying and utilizing facts and formulas correctly 2.21 1.29 2 Constructing a mathematical model 2.26 1.35 Solving using appropriate procedures 2.19 1.33 *Drawing well supported conclusions 1.99 1.23 1 Comprehending data/information 2.47 1.34 Analyzing data 2.29 Developing a viable solution plan 2.14 1.3

9 Comparison of Results Mean Standard Deviation Performance Indicators
Mean Standard Deviation Performance Indicators Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Spring 2018 Spring 2013 Classifying and utilizing facts and formulas correctly 2.30 2.05 2.21 1.35 1.38 1.29 Constructing a mathematical model 1.94 2.26 1.22 1.25 Solving using appropriate procedures 2.22 2.19 1.18 1.3 *Drawing well supported conclusions 1.99 1.84 1.17 1.24 Comprehending data/information 2.61 2.47 0.92 1.23 1.31 Analyzing data 2.31 2.16 2.29 1.13 1.33 1.21 Developing a viable solution plan 2.25 2.01 2.14 1.27



12 Other includes Engineering Tech Math or Statistics


14 Other includes Indian, Multi-race, unknown

15 Percentage by Race and Ethnicity
125 artifacts: 19 African American students, 2 Asians students, 24 Caucasian students, 45 Hispanic students, 35 other students (Indian, Multi-race, unknown, unspecified) Performing at or above satisfactory level: 46 scored at or above satisfactory African American: 7/46 or 15.2%; 7/125 or 5.6% Asian: 0/46 or 0%; 0/125 or 0% Caucasian: 9/46 or 19.6%; 9/125 or 7.2% Hispanic: 16/46 or 34.8%; 16/125 or 12.8% Other: 14/46 or 30.4%; 14/125 or 11.2%

16 Items Discussed During Assessment Day Discussions (05-04-18)
Timing of assessment: We discussed completing the assessment before the Final Exam. Requesting feedback on how to help our students do better when it comes to quantitative reasoning and critical thinking via Qualtrics survey. Qualtrics survey will be sent to faculty members in May to generate feedback on the timing and structure of infusing modeling throughout the semester. Results will be shared with instructors.

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