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April 18, 2015.

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1 April 18, 2015

2 Warm Up 1. Add Historical Dates Review to your Student Portfolio Grade Sheet (Page 90) 1:10-5:36

3 I can explain the significance of the following dates: 1607
I can explain the significance of the following dates: ,1776, 1787, 1803, to American History by creating a thinking map. Learning Target

4 Student Expectation (SE)
8.1C explain the significance of the following dates: 1607, founding of Jamestown; 1620, arrival of the Pilgrims and signing of the Mayflower Compact; 1776, adoption of the Declaration of Independence; 1787, writing of the U.S. Constitution; 1803, Louisiana Purchase; and , Civil War. & Second Great Awakening Student Expectation (SE)

5 1607 First English Colony in North America: Jamestown
Following Jamestown, England would colonize North America focusing primary along the Atlantic coast and in the Caribbean islands.

6 1620 Mayflower Compact, beginning of self government in America.
The Puritans came to Plymouth for religious freedom. Early Self government in America were based off several English documents primary the English Bill of Rights and Magna Carta.

7 1776 America wrote the Declaration of Independence official separating the colonies away from the English crown. This document intensified the Revolutionary War.

8 1787 The United States ratified the US Constitution.
It created a stronger Federal government compared to the Articles of Confederation. Created three branches of government. Each with separate powers and the ability to “check and balance” the other powers.

9 1803 President Jefferson purchased Louisiana from France for 15 million dollars. This was the first land purchase during the westward expansion period.

10 1861-1865 The time period of the Civil War.
The North and South separated due to economic & slavery issues. Lincoln kept the Union together. Slaves would be freed in the south with the Emancipation proclamation.

11 Closing Question

12 Closing Question

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