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Money Matters Key Stage 2 Spending and Saving.

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Presentation on theme: "Money Matters Key Stage 2 Spending and Saving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Money Matters Key Stage 2 Spending and Saving

2 Cousin Billy’s holiday
STAMP ……………………………………… …………………………………….. I’m having a lovely time here in xxx. The sun is shining and I’ve been doing lots of exciting things. Yesterday I went to the museum and saw some dinosaur bones and today I’ve been to the zoo. Tomorrow I’m going swimming with mum and dad. I’ve had lots of ice- cream; I like the chocolate ones best. Wish you were here, we could have lots of fun together. Love from Billy REF 1A: Change the location mentioned at the top of the postcard to somewhere near the school.

3 The holiday money Ben and Lily need to save money for a holiday/outing watch the video and then help them make decisions about saving and spending. REF 1B – The image of the video is a link to the online streaming of the DVD

4 Create your own decision tree…
You have £ for your holiday. You have seen some sunglasses for £ . Should you buy the sunglasses NOW or wait to see what the weather’s like when you go on holiday? Agree with the teacher suitable amounts for level of the pupils.

5 Packing for the holidays… What should Lilly take?
Pyjamas Swimsuit Book Dolphin toy Sun hat Toothbrush Towel REF 1B: Click on the items and they will appear with words following Sun cream Beach ball Camera

6 Today we have learnt… That sometimes we might have to prioritise and make choices about how to spend or save our money That we should make spending and saving choices based on our own needs. That we should appreciate that we may not be able to have everything we want immediately and sometimes not at all.

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