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Graphical Analysis: Velocity – Time

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1 Graphical Analysis: Velocity – Time
Homework: Worksheet

2 Velocity Time Graphs A velocity-time graph shows the instantaneous velocity of an object At Rest = On Horizontal Axis (Zero) Uniform Motion = Horizontal Lines Uniform Acceleration = Sloped Lines We can analyse vt-graphs by: Finding Slopes = Finding Accelerations Finding Areas Under Lines = Finding Displacements Pg. 68 #14

3 Moving Between Graphs dinstant vinstant ainstant vaverage aaverage
dt Graph vt Graph Reading dinstant vinstant Slope of Tangent ainstant Slope of Secant vaverage aaverage Area Under Graph none d Pg. 69 #22, 23 Pg. 70 #27

4 Ex. 1: For the v-t graph in Fig. 2
Ex. 1: For the v-t graph in Fig. 2.44, sketch a corresponding d-t graph. Describe the motion.

5 Ex. 2: For the v-t graph in Fig. 2
Ex. 2: For the v-t graph in Fig. 2.45, sketch a corresponding d-t graph. Describe the motion.

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