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Websites For general information (Newsletters, schedules, etc

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1 Websites For general information (Newsletters, schedules, etc
Websites For general information (Newsletters, schedules, etc.), please refer to our teacher websites. These may be accessed via our website:   Staff Directory: individual teachers are listed **Teacher lesson plans are now accessible on each teacher’s webpage. An overview of the plans for the week will be posted.



4 Skyward a. Grades may be viewed at any time with Skyward
Skyward a. Grades may be viewed at any time with Skyward. Students access these with their personal username and password. Passwords HAVE changed, but students have that information recorded. I have encouraged ALL students to check grades often – at least once a week. b. Parents have a separate username and password, and are able to get more information than just grades. If you do not know your username and password, please your child’s homeroom teacher and that can be sent to you. If you just want to view grades, you may use your child’s username and password.

5 E-mail a. Seventh grade frequently sends reminder e-mails
a. Seventh grade frequently sends reminder s. It is very important for you to send your address(es) in order to be included in the group messages. b. The BEST way to reach your child’s teacher is via . You may call and leave a message; however, an will usually receive a much quicker response. c. addresses:  Mrs. Mason~  Mrs. Walker~  Mrs. Woody~  Mrs. Bright-White~

6 Conferences Seventh grade teachers feel very strongly about handling concerns as they happen. If you feel a conference is needed, please schedule one as that need occurs. Conferences can be scheduled in person, as well as via phone or . In-person conferences may be scheduled from 2:25 – 3:05. Please do not wait for the county-wide after school conferences as they tend to be rushed and are, quite often, after the concern has been postponed. Textbooks Textbooks have been assigned in Science and Language Arts (two texts). MATH textbooks are consumable and will be assigned to students. Price changes to lunch and breakfast Student meals ~ Breakfast $1.10 ($0.30 reduced); Lunch $2.25 ($0.40 reduced)

7 Reading/Language Arts
Oral Book Reports/Presentations will be replacing AR Read one novel per 9-weeks If students finish reading the novel they will present to the class, they must check out another one to read. Students must always have a book checked out from me or the library to read. Present an oral report with a visual aid (2-5 minutes) Must choose a different visual aid each 9-weeks I will be adding new visual aid choices as we go through the year. Some will be digital versions. Students can present these digitally, but will still need to print and turn in a paper copy to me. These new digital choices will be added to my teacher webpage. You will receive a packet next week in purple folders with all the detail and a copy of the rubric that will be used to grade students. You can also find all of this on my teacher webpage. Due dates can be found in the packet, as well as on the teacher webpage. We will also be reading one novel each 9-weeks in class. DIB’s: Students will receive a drops in the bucket homework sheet in the purple folder each Monday. DIB’s review basic skills that students have a tendency to struggle with. They are due to me on Friday. I do not accept them early because we grade them together so that students can ask questions on anything they miss or don’t understand. Students need to keep them in their grammar folders until Fridays. Students have one opportunity to turn their papers in late. If they are late again, it will not be accepted. Scholastic book orders

8 Math Drops in the Bucket (DIB) a
Math Drops in the Bucket (DIB) a. This is weekly homework for Mathematics. These worksheets will be in Monday’s purple folder, and are due on Friday. b. Mathematics DIB is due Friday, but can be turned in as soon as it is complete. I will deduct one point per day for late work UNTIL the Wednesday after it is due. After Wednesday, it will not be accepted and will be recorded as “0” in the gradebook. Math NotesBook This is to be with student in class daily. Students will paste class notes in this book. Most NotesBook pages may be found on my webpage in case a student leaves the book at school or loses a page.

9 Math Mathematics basic skills is a free site used to assess basic skills in Mathematics. Skills tested are multiplication facts (0-9); adding/subtracting integers; multiplying/dividing integers; Perimeter/Area/Volume; Measurement (inches/centimeters). Information about how to access this site at home is in the back of your student’s NotesBook, as well as on my website page.

10 Science information Students will need to keep a binder with specific tabs. These will be checked on Mondays to ensure students are keeping track of their materials and responsibilities. Each student will be provided with a rubric of how the binder will be graded. It can also be found on Mrs. Mason’s teacher website. The topics that are going to be covered are the earth, motion, flow of matter & energy, cells, and heredity. At least one lab will be completed for each of the previous listed topics. Each student will be assigned a textbook, however books on cd will be available to be checked out.

11 Questions???

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