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Presentation on theme: "Jordan, March 2012 RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT IN TUNISIA Moncef HARRABI."— Presentation transcript:


2 I.T UNISIAN E NERGY C ONTEXT The Tunisian Energy Context is characterized by : High growing in international oil price. High growing in international oil price. Limited potential of national hydrocarbon resources. Limited potential of national hydrocarbon resources. Rapid increase in energy demand. Rapid increase in energy demand. Annual energy subsidy increase. Annual energy subsidy increase.

3 T UNISIAN E NERGY C ONTEXT Installed capacity The distribution of the 3% RE Based power capacity is as follows Gas share in Electricity production is 98%

4 T UNISIAN E NERGY C ONTEXT 1.I NSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK A- Organisation and Regulation Main institutions : MIT / STEG, STEG ER, ANME,... Supervision : The Ministry of Industry and Trade is responsible for the supervision of : - Energy policy : Hydrocarbons, electricity and RE. - Regulation : by laws and decrees. -Tariffs. -Electricity sector : Liberalisation of electricity production (1996). STEG : monopoly of Electricity and Gas Transport and Distribution.

5 T UNISIAN E NERGY C ONTEXT I NSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK B- Specific Regulation framework for Renewable Objectives : Allow electricity production from renewable energies and access to the grid. Main features of Energy Conservation law (February 2009) : Residential, tertiary and industrial sectors. Exclusivity sale to STEG. Limited to 30% of electricity production exceed. Tariffs : STEG sales Tariffs Role of STEG : Connect private installation when fulfilling technical conditions. Transport electricity to consumption point.

6 Tunisia has invested a great effort in the development of energy conservation and RE, by installing specific financing scheme and laws for RE and EE and creating research center dedicated to RE, in order to : Diversify the means of power generation. Reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Introduce new technologies. Open new perspectives for the integration of new sectors in the local industry. Develop regional and international cooperation. Introduction of renewable energy must take into account stability and reliability of the national grid. II.P RESENT SITUATION OF RE 3.RE D EVELOPMENT S TRATEGY

7 1 800 kWh/m²/year North 2 600 kWh/m²/year South Important Solar Potential P RESENT SITUATION OF RE 4.S OLAR R ESOURCES I N T UNISIA Solar radiation varies from

8 Good wind potential Good wind potential PRESENT SITUATION OF RE Wind ATLAS Wind speed (m/s)

9 Sidi Daoud Wind farm : Installed capacity 54 MW (11 MW in 2000, 9 MW in 2003 and 34 MW in 2009) Sidi Daoud P RESENT SITUATION OF RE 5.W IND E NERGY Integration RE rate in installed capacity varies from 0.4 in 2000 to 1.7 % in 2010

10 P RESENT SITUATION OF RE 6.W IND ENERGY Bizerte Wind farm Stage A 120 MW : has just started in the last days ( February 2012). Kechabta Metline

11 13 000 households, 200 rural schools, 90 pump stations of drinking water. P RESENT SITUATION OF RE 7.SOLAR ENERGY Rural Electrification and pump stations

12 Project : 1 000 Solar Buildings. Achievements : 1700 kWp in 2011. Prosol Elec Project (Roof top) P RESENT SITUATION OF RE SOLAR ENERGY

13 Prosol Elec Project (Roof top) Financial mechanism Customer : 10% initial investment, STEG : Inverter, FNME : 30%, MEDREC :10%, Credit Bank : 30 % Easy payment of a credit without interest through electricity bill P RESENT SITUATION OF RE SOLAR ENERGY

14 P RESENT SITUATION OF RE 8.S OLAR W ATER H EATING Prosol Thermique Total installed surface in 2012 is estimated to be 700 000 m2

15 P RESENT SITUATION OF RE S OLAR W ATER H EATING INCITATIVES MEASURES Allocation, by FNME, of direct subsidy covering 20% of the SWH price : with a limit of : 200 DT for 200 liters capacity; 400 DT for 300 liters and more SWH capacity. Credit sale over 5 years, with a covering of 30 bimonthly deadlines, through the STEG invoice, STEG guarantee credit recovery,

16 Solar Energy Creation of a Tunisian company specialized in the manufacture of solar photovoltaic modules NR-SOL : Production capacity: 25 MWp per year. Target market: Tunisia, Europe and Africa. Wind Energy Tunisian company SOCOMENIN Wind Towers specialized in the fabrication of tubular towers for the main wind turbine manufactures. Production capacity: 150 towers per year. P RESENT SITUATION OF RE 9. INDUSTRIAL INTEGRATION

17 III.RE P ROJECT D EVELOPMENT 1.W IND ENERGY Bizerte Wind farm stage B 70 MW under construction, start up : the end 2012 Total capacity in Bizerte Farm will reach 190 MW Energy production : 600 GWh/year Kechabta Metline

18 RE P ROJECT D EVELOPMENT W IND ENERGY End 2012 Total Installed Capacity in Tunisia : 244 MW. Integration ratio of RE : Installed capacity : 7 %. Energy production: 5.5 %.

19 RE P ROJECT D EVELOPMENT 2.S OLAR ENERGY Rooftops Period : 2012 – 2016. Planned capacity : 13 MW. Energy produced : 23 GWh/year.

20 RE P ROJECT D EVELOPMENT S OLAR ENERGY PV Power Plant 10 MW Planned to be in operation in 2014.

21 RE P ROJECT D EVELOPMENT S OLAR ENERGY CSP Power Plant Planned capacity : 50 MW Planned to be in operation in 2016-2017.

22 RE P ROJECT D EVELOPMENT 3.HYDRO POWER Pumped-Storage System : STEP Planned capacity : 400 - 500 MW. Feasibility study contract was signed 10 days ago. Planned to be in operation in 2018.

23 40 projects including RE projects and Energy Efficiency initiatives. Total investment : 2300 M. Total reduction of national energy consumption : 22%. The share of renewable energies in the total capacity is planned to be 16 % in 2016. RE project represent 71% of the total TSP. IV.RENEWABLE ENERGY PERSPECTIVES THE TUNISIAN SOLAR PLAN -2016- Energy Efficiency 15% Renewable Energy Support and assistance

24 Renewable Power Production : 1 000 MW in 2016 4 700 MW in 2030 R ENEWABLE E NERGY P ERSPECTIVES T ARGET OF T UNISIAN S OLAR P LAN WindSolarOthers



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