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Year 3 and 4 Parent/Carer Information session -Maths

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1 Year 3 and 4 Parent/Carer Information session -Maths
Friday 13th January 2017 9am

2 Areas of Maths assessed
Number and place value Addition and Subtraction/ Multiplication and Division Measurement Position and direction Statistics Fractions Properties of shape

3 How is Maths taught and assessed?
Teaching: Maths is taught in units of learning usually over the course of a week Each unit progresses over the course of the week or 2 weeks and learning is differentiated to meet the needs of the children: for example, some children may need to consolidate finding a fraction of a number and others will be ready to learn about equivalent fractions but all children will be learning about fractions.

4 Assessment Evidence in children’s books, half termly check-up tests, discussion with children Use of Target Tracker- each child is assessed against statements to identify where they are in their learning. This helps teachers to identify gaps in understanding or next steps for learning

5 Y3 Strengths and areas for improvement
Number and place value is a strength and on track Children are able to add and Subtract 3 digit numbers using the column method, now need to work on solving these problems mentally Recall of multiplication tables is generally a strength but always needs practise, next step is to solve 2 digit x 1 digit problems using written methods Fractions- children generally are able to find ½ ¼, ¾ and a third. Now need to recognise equivalent fractions Shape- currently children are working on recognising right angles, obtuse and acute angles

6 Y4 Strengths and areas for improvement
Currently Place value is a strength and on track Addition and Subtraction- Children are able to use the column method, children need to develop an understanding of the inverse and how to apply it to problem solving Multiplication and Division- need to work on mental recall of facts and apply this to problem solving Fractions- children understand how to identify, add and subtract fractions. Now need to work on applying this in problem solving Shape, measure, statistics on track

7 Moderation Internal moderation
Quality assure and consistency across all schools

8 Attendance & Punctuality
At least 96%+

9 Thank you for attending today’s meeting
Thank you for attending today’s meeting. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with you

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