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Spring Term Topic Web – What have the Romans ever done for us?

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Presentation on theme: "Spring Term Topic Web – What have the Romans ever done for us?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring Term Topic Web – What have the Romans ever done for us?
How did the Roman Empire begin? How did the army help the empire to expand? How did Britain become part of the empire? Boudicca's rebellion Roman occupation of Britain Digging up the past Roman influence on Britain Romans Day Science Sound & Electricity Art & Design Technology Roman Mosaics Roman Purses (sewing) Electric Toy Literacy Instruction writing Descriptive recount Newspaper reports Creative writing Myths & Legends Topic text|(s) Escape from Pompeii Romulus & Remus Romans on the rampage Geography Italy Volcanoes (Vesuvius) ICT Animation Spread sheets Maths Number & Place value Addition & Subtraction Geometry Decimals Fractions Statistics Measurement (time & length) Multiplication & Division PE Hockey Dance Tag Rugby (after half term) Gym (after half term) French Days of the week / months of the year Weather

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