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Presentation on theme: "PILOT SCHOOLS ACCOUNTABILITY"— Presentation transcript:

Overview of the Review Process

2 Pilot schools accountability
Pilot MOU: “In order to ensure continuing accountability, each school will undertake a Quality Review in year 3, and every 5 years thereafter.” “The Quality Review Process will be established by the (Pilot Schools) Steering Committee, with final accountability to the Superintendent.”

3 Pilot schools accountability
SELF-REVIEW: Annual School self-reflection / internal team Instructional rounds School team writes and submits report Resources: PILOT SCHOOL QUALITY REVIEW Year 3, every 5 years thereafter External team (PSSC, LD Director, etc.) Site visits/classroom observations PSQR Team writes report PSSC makes renewal recommendation Superintendent has final authority Resources:

4 Pilot self-review

5 Pilot Self-review = PSC School Review Pilot Self-Review Report
Exemptions PSC Pilot Schools PSC School Review Final Write-up

Submit to Office of School Choice Self-Review Report + Implementation Plan (within 2 weeks) Instructional Rounds (By April 28th) Identify Problem of Practice *School selects date(s) and Internal Review Team Members

7 Pilot school quality review

8 Pilot school quality review
Pre-visit (Nov-Dec) Notifications Data review Set visit date/agenda On-site review (Jan –Feb) School overview Classroom observations Focus groups PSQR team debrief Report writing (Feb-Mar) Gather notes/evidence PSQR team reconvenes to rate with PSQR rubric Finalizes report

9 Schoolwide Instructional Focus Implementation of Autonomies
Psqr rubric elements Schoolwide Instructional Focus (quality/delivery of instruction; equity; personalization) Group Quality (community engagement; partnerships; professional collaborative culture) Implementation of Autonomies (knowledge & understanding; pilot plan) Building Capacity (human/social capital; program coherence; resources) Fullan’s Right Drivers

10 Pilot school quality review
communicate set date focus groups classroom visit schedule

11 Pilot school quality review
school overview

12 Psqr recommendations 5-year 3-year 1-year
Continued monitoring by LD Director; annual self-review; progress report to PSSC 3-year 1-year Intervention plan monitored quarterly; mid-year report to PSSC; LD Director coaches administrator and leadership team on areas for improvement

13 Multiple reviews options
WASC + PSQR WASC + PSC Renewal WASC + LL Certification + PSC Renewal PSQR + WASC + LL In-Progress Activities LL Certification/Re-cert + PSQR LL In-Progress Activities + Pilot School Self-Review PSC Renewal + PSQR

14 Multiple reviews options
WASC + PSQR Early College Academy School of Business & Tourism – Contreras School of Social Justice - Marquez Polytechnic HS PSQR as mock WASC Defer PSQR for the following year

15 Multiple reviews options
WASC + PSC Renewal Engineering & Technology – Torres HAAT – Torres SJLA - Torres PSC Renewal as mock WASC Defer PSC Renewal for the following year

16 Multiple reviews options
WASC + LL Cert + PSC Renewal ELAPAA - Torres WASC + LL Cert + PSc Renewal Data review includes LL coach/director & PSC review team PSC review team determines if site visit is warranted LL team will conduct site visit; PSC review team will join if school is selected for renewal visit

17 Multiple reviews options
WASC + LL In-Progress Activities + PSQR HPIAM - Marquez Combine LL site visit #2 & PSQR; can serve as mock WASC visit for school Defer PSQR for following year

18 Multiple reviews options
LL Cert + PSQR LAHSA – RFK (re-cert; no LL site visit) CHAS – Hawkins CDAGS – Hawkins RISE - Hawkins Combine LL mock visit and PSQR visit LL and Pilot Review team coordinate and meet before site visit to align questions for school’s LL narratives Defer PSQR for following year

19 Multiple reviews options
LL In-Progress Activities + Pilot Self-Review Boyle Heights STEM combined

20 Multiple reviews options
PSC Renewal + PSQR SOHDA - Sotomayor combined



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