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‘How can we use crib sheets to improve marking and develop better feedback?’ Rationale ‘Less marking, more feedback’ – Efficiency with maximum impact.

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Presentation on theme: "‘How can we use crib sheets to improve marking and develop better feedback?’ Rationale ‘Less marking, more feedback’ – Efficiency with maximum impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘How can we use crib sheets to improve marking and develop better feedback?’
Rationale ‘Less marking, more feedback’ – Efficiency with maximum impact Tuning fork for class – misconceptions, issues, praise, targets etc. Aids planning, class and verbal feedback EEF– ‘There is little high quality research evidence to suggest that extensive or detailed marking has any significant impact on pupils’ learning’ The Basics One sheet per class, mins to do Scan each students books and make notes where required Focus on identifying common mistakes and misconceptions from whole class Aids verbal feedback and planning to fill the gaps in knowledge/skills Uses for praise, EBI, presentation – sweating the small stuff Students can be given a copy to stick in their books Handwritten or use computer to keep copies if required Tracks class progress throughout the topic Variation with every student named if want to provide individual feedback

2 Feedback Impact Next steps
Feedback Sessions Improved focus on feedback using a variety of activities. Filling subject knowledge gaps through direct instruction & student collaboration Developing and practicing skills Modelling and redrafting exam questions Literacy & presentation Extension activities and completing work Variants Assessment Crib Sheet Teacher only copy Each student named and tracks exam score, DIRT activity, specific issues and overall feedback Use to inform post assessment feedback & plan activities to fill the gaps Aids verbal feedback Used to track marking codes given as part of our assessment tracking Often students not given grade but WWW/EBI – improving focus on how to improve and showing them Feedback Evidently we don’t plan to please OFSTED but comments are encouraging Shared across Twitter and edublogs, a number of schools using/trailing Feedback has been positive so far Impact Next steps Considerably reduced marking time (workload win!!) which allows us to monitor books more regularly Teachers have greater awareness of class progress and issues Teachers are giving better feedback (and thinking about it more!) and not just writing individual comments Helped planning, especially at GCSE to tackle new skills/content and target gaps/misconceptions Focus on developing better feedback sessions How can we model better? Does showing students another example always work? Direct Instruction on misconceptions Live feedback sessions and filling the gaps immediately the same lesson

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