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Bellringer Make sure you picked up:

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1 Bellringer Make sure you picked up:
Study Guide Map India/China/Japan/Ottoman Get out your 3 recipes for me to check Write down in your agenda your homework: TEST AND BINDER CHECK NEXT CLASS Complete Study Guide BJOTD: How do spies send secret messages in a forest?

2 Non-European Empires in 1500

3 Ottoman Empire The capital changed from Constantinople to Istanbul
Islam unifies the empire Trade goods include coffee and ceramics (pottery)

4 Ottoman Empire 1. Ottoman Empire: Asia Minor (present day Turkey), spread to North Africa, parts of Europe, and the Middle East

5 Mughal (Mogul) Empire and Southern India
Mughal Contributions Spread Islam into India Art and Architecture Achievements: Taj Mahal Indian textiles (cloth) influenced British textile industry Different European nations competed for trading ports

6 Mughal (Mogul) Empire and Southern India
Remained independent from the Mughals Traded silks, spices, and gems

7 Mughal (Mogul) Empire and Southern India
2. Mughal Empire: Northern India 3. Southern India: Southern India

8 Ottoman Empire and Mughal India are: EXPANSIONISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They look outward and welcome communication from outsiders

9 China Wanted to be left alone in the world (isolationist)
Created foreign enclaves to control trade which overall was controlled by the Imperial Throne European demand for Chinese goods like tea and porcelain increased

10 4. China: parts of present day China

11 Japan Wanted to be left alone in the world (isolationist).
Weak emperors were ruled by military leaders, called shoguns.

12 Japan 5. Japan: modern Japan

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