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Geriatric oral and systemic health are tightly interconnected:

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1 Geriatric oral and systemic health are tightly interconnected:
Poor oral hygiene is associated with increased incidence of pneumonias. Many medications cause dry mouth, increasing risk of dental caries. Diabetic glucose control is worse in the presence of periodontal disease and periodontal disease is worse in diabetic patients, especially in those with poor glycemic control. Poor oral health is a common cause of weight loss and failure to thrive. Health care professionals can play an important role in improving the overall health of their patients through addressing oral issues. References: Azarpazhooh, A., Leake, J.L. Systematic review of the association between respiratory diseases and oral health. J Periodontology. 2006; 77: Scannapieco, F.A. Pneumonia in nonambulatory patients. JADA. 2006; 137(10 supplement): 21S-25S. Guggenheimer, J., Moore, P.A. Xerostomia: etiology, recognition and treatment. JADA. 2003; 134(1):61-9. Mealey, B. L., Periodontal disease and diabetes: A two-way street. JADA. 2006; 137:26-31. Moynihan, P.J. The Relationship Between Nutrition and Systemic and Oral Well-being in Older People. JADA. 2007; 138(4): Adachi, M., Ishihara, K., Abe, S., Okuda, K. Professional oral health care by dental hygienists reduced respiratory infections in elderly persons requiring nursing care. Int J of Dental Hygiene. 2007; 5: Ishikawa, A., Yoneyama, T., Hirota, K., Miyake, Y., Miyatake, K. Professional oral health care reduces the number of orophayngeal bacteria. Journal of Dental Res, 2008; 87: Bassim, C.W., Gibson, G., Ward, T., Paphides, B.M., DeNucci, D.J. Modification of risk of mortality from pneumonia with oral hygiene care, J of the Am Geriatric Society, 2008; 56: Sjogren, P. Nilsson, E., Forsell, M., Johansson, O., Hoogstraate, J. A systematic review of preventive effect of oral hygiene on pneumonia and respiratory infections in elderly people in hospitals and nursing homes. J of the Am Geriatric Society. 2008; 56: Arpin S. Oral hygiene in elderly people in hospitals and nursing homes. Evidenced Based Dentistry. 2009; 10: 46.

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