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Welcome to Year Alan McCarthy– Deputy Head

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year Alan McCarthy– Deputy Head"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 6 2018-2019 Alan McCarthy– Deputy Head
Charlotte McDowell – Assistant Head Sam Walter – Head of Year 6 Vision: Building on our unique local heritage, we will provide a world class British education inspiring all our students to exceed expectations.

2 Primary Leadership Team
Elaine Rawlings Pete Collings Alan McCarthy Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

3 Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

4 Shining Eyes Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

5 Lucy Hunter, Hooda Ahmed, Sonia Mosheshe, Briony Emery
The Year 6 Team Leanne Ashley, Marcelle Davis, Clare McCabe, Emma Thomson, Sam Walter Lucy Hunter, Hooda Ahmed, Sonia Mosheshe, Briony Emery Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

6 Growth Mindset Maths Homework
Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

7 What’s new 1 ? Year 6 2017 H/W Expectations
Take away homework Set on a Sunday – to be completed and submitted –class teacher to decide. ___________ English, Humanities, Science, Art, Food technology Takeaway homework is like having Take-away from a restaurant. You can choose what to do and when you want to do it. It does not have to be done in any particular order. Each activity has a different star rating and you all have to get a minimum of 20 stars by the end of Week 15. (If you want to get more – go for it!) You can only do each activity once. One activity to complete each week – day of submission to be decided by the individual teachers. Expected time taken: (40-60 minutes depending on how many stars the activity is worth.) It is up to you to manage your time and the activities you do. Maths Set on a Sunday to be submitted on Wednesday. Homework will be set each week. Expected time taken: Each piece should take 30 minutes ie 60 minutes per week. (If it takes significantly longer than this, please inform your Maths teacher.) Spellings Set on Monday tested on Monday. Statutory word lists will be given out alternate. Expected time taken: minutes per week. Reading Everyday- planners to be signed each day and end of week. Year 6 Expectation is that you are reading 5 times a week. Record in your planner – name of book, pages read and get this signed by parents each day. Expected time taken: AT LEAST 30 minutes a day. The more the better. Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

8 What’s new 2? Take away Homework and Weekly reflection
Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

9 Accelerated Reader Reading Scheme
What’s the same? Accelerated Reader Reading Scheme Reading books/Library books Quizzes and tests Expectations Competitions Library use Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

10 Recording Reading in Planners each day.
What’s New 3? Recording Reading in Planners each day. Signing planners weekly. Break times healthy snacks. Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

11 Goal setting, children and parent in planner
What’s new 4? Goal setting, children and parent in planner Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

12 What’s new 5? Student Positions of Responsibility
Anti-bullying ambassadors Class Prefects Year 6 School Council Representatives – involved in School Charity and School Improvement Plan House Leaders Head Girl and Head Boy James Gordon Noor Chehayeb Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

13 What’s new 6? Transition from year 6-7 Primary to Secondary
Term 3 – Year 6 teachers specialise 3 weeks transition over to Secondary School Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

14 Remembrance assembly Monday 12th November 2018 Costumes required and
Events Term 1 Remembrance assembly Monday 12th November 2018 Costumes required and Photos of relatives who have served in any war – ed to 2. Evacuation Day – (costume required) British tea party Thursday15th November set up help required. 3. Team building trip end of term 1. Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

15 Twitter @BSAKyear6 Seesaw Student emails Year 6 Weebly
Communication Class teachers – end of day/ Twitter @BSAKyear6 Seesaw Student s Year 6 Weebly Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

16 Evacuation Day – British Tea Party – setting up
Help! Evacuation Day – British Tea Party – setting up Sewing – Make do and Mend – Patchwork project during the school day Year 6 Year Book Year 6 End of Year Party Inspiring Futures Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

17 Emma Thomson- Sapphire
Questions Sam Walter – Oxford Marcelle Davis– Royal Emma Thomson- Sapphire Leanne Ashley- Cambridge Clare McCabe Mission: Providing the best teachers, leadership and support in a not-for-profit environment, we nurture a genuine passion for learning.

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