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1-D Kinematics Review.

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1 1-D Kinematics Review

2 Important Vocabulary Acceleration Definition Positive or Negative
Direction Average vs Constant/Uniform Acceleration due to gravity Is it ever zero? On the x or the y?

3 Important Vocabulary Constant velocity Definition On the y?
Average velocity Speed

4 Important Vocabulary Displacement Definition
Can displacement equal zero? Distance Can distance equal zero?

5 Important Vocabulary Free Fall Definition
Is it moving under constant acceleration?

6 Important Vocabulary Scalar Definition Examples Vector

7 Important Concepts Analysis of graphs Position v Time Graph
Velocity v Time Graph Slope of the graphs Direction of Velocity and Acceleration Vectors When do they point in the same direction? When do they point in opposite directions?

8 Important Concepts Path of Objects Thrown in the Air
Description of path Value of velocity on the path Value of acceleration on the path Dropped Objects Known variables

9 Important Concepts Units Displacement Velocity Acceleration

10 Kinematic Problems The value of acceleration due to gravity (g) on the moon is 1.63 m/s2 . (a) Would a ball that is dropped by an astronaut hit the surface of the Moon with a greater, equal or lesser speed than that of a ball dropped from the same height to earth? (b) Would it take the ball more, less or equal time to fall?

11 Kinematic Problems A car with a velocity of 22 m/s is accelerated uniformly at the rate of 1.6 m/s2 for 6.8 seconds. What is the final velocity of the car?

12 Kinematic Problems Determine the displacement of a plane that experiences uniform acceleration from 66.0 m/s to 88 m/s in 12 seconds.

13 Kinematic Problems You throw a ball downward from a window at a speed of 2.0 m/s. How fast will it be moving when it hits the sidewalk 2.5 m below? If your throw the ball in problem #4 up instead of down, how fast will it be moving when it hits the sidewalk?

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