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I Peter Lesson 4.

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1 I Peter Lesson 4

2 Salvation I Pet. 1:3-12 Based on God’s great mercy 1:3
God caused us to be born again through Jesus’ resurrection 1:3 It will be completely revealed in the last time 1:5 It’s by faith 1:5 My soul is saved 1:9 It was prophesied by the OT prophets, and angels long to look into it! 1:10-12 It’s by God’s grace 1:10 It was announced/preached in the gospel 1:12

3 Salvation Def. “God’s rescue which delivers believers out of destruction and into His safety.” Zod. Safety, deliverance, preservation from danger or destruction Three tenses of salvation: Past: freed from sin’s penalty – God’s wrath, wages of sin is death, Lake of Fire. Justification Present: freed from sin’s power – in daily life I no longer walk according to the flesh; Sanctification Future: freed from sin’s presence – in the future, we get our new bodies: Glorification My salvation is ready to be revealed: I Pet. 1:5

4 Proof/Genuineness of Faith
I Pet. 1:7 It’s ongoing, being tested by fire, it MUST be a proven faith It’s part of present-tense salvation = sanctification Rom. 8:2-14 The Holy Spirit is testifying with my spirit that I am a child of God Rom. 8:16

5 Trials Trials: peirasmos – to make trial of, try, tempt, a putting to the test, spoken of persons only. When God is the agent, peirasmos is for the purpose of proving someone, NEVER for the purpose of causing him to fall. If it is the devil who tempts, then it is for the purpose of causing one to fall. Zod. A state of trial in which God brings His people through adversity and affliction in order to encourage and prove their faith and confidence in Him. In the opposite way, man “tempts” God by distrusting Him and complaining to Him.

6 Trials ( a little application)
So what if you fail in a trial? What does failure in a trial look like? Is your faith “proven” untrue? What would a faith that is proven untrue look like? How do YOU react to trials? Do you react with joy EVERY time? I Pet. 1:6 says you greatly rejoice! What if you DON’T greatly rejoice? What does greatly rejoice mean? What does that even LOOK like?

7 Proof of your faith Proof: dokimion – Approved, tried. The means of proving, a criterion or test by which anything is proved or tried, as faith by afflictions (James 1:3). In I Peter 1:7 the meaning is slightly different. Here it reflects an adjectival sense which means genuine or approved. In NT times it was used of metals that were without alloy/impurities. Peter uses the word as substantive (firm basis in reality) referring to the genuineness of faith. James 1:3 …knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. Result: Praise, honor and glory at Jesus’ revelation I Pet. 1:7

8 Cross References Peter said this “proving” was like gold, which is perishable, tested by fire I Pet. 1:7 Jer. 6:27-30 He found God’s people rejected due to their rebellion, lying, corruption and idolatry Zech. 13:8-9 Remnant, 1/3 will be tested by fire Mal. 3:2-3 God sits as a smelter, skimming off the impurities, refining like gold and silver Ps. 12:6 & 66:10 God tests His people Prov. 17:3 God tests their HEARTS!! Jam. 1:2-4, 12 Rejoice! Testing produces endurance…once approved, receive the crown of life, promised to those who love Him.

9 Romans 5:1-5 Having been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith in this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God, and NOT ONLY THIS, we exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character, and proven character hope; and hope DOES NOT DISAPPOINT, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Exult: kauchaomai – properly living with “head up high”, boasting from a particular vantage point by having the right base of operation to deal successfully with a matter. It refers to living with God-given confidence.

10 Application Our response to our Savior during trials?
I Pet. 1:8 Love Him, though we have not seen Him I Pet. 1:8 Believe Him, Trust Him, though we do not see Him now I Pet. 1:5 Remember we are protected by the power of God, through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Rom. 5:5 Remember that the love of God is being poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit This is the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, proving our faith to be real

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