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Campus Parking Plan Fall 2003. Existing Situation- Urban campus with no room to expand Residential neighborhoods to the North and East Fox River and Industrial.

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Parking Plan Fall 2003. Existing Situation- Urban campus with no room to expand Residential neighborhoods to the North and East Fox River and Industrial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Parking Plan Fall 2003

2 Existing Situation- Urban campus with no room to expand Residential neighborhoods to the North and East Fox River and Industrial property to West City of Oshkosh to the South

3 Campus is not pedestrian friendly Algoma Boulevard and High Streets are highly traveled routes into and out of the City of Oshkosh.

4 Parking Shortage A 2002 study indicates that the campus is short approximately 750-900 spaces for permit holders People are forced to park on neighborhood side streets

5 Parking shortage Waiting list for resident parking ranges from 300 – 500 students At peak times, 500 K-mart permits have been distributed with up to 250 vehicles parked there at one time Approximately 250 resident students purchase parking from the City Parking Utility, Oshkosh Police Department, and local businesses Commuter parking demand is greatest on Mondays and Wednesdays. With commuter lots filled to capacity, another 500 vehicles are parking on surrounding streets

6 Parking Complaints My expectation, however unrealistic, is that there would be an available parking space relatively close to my destination. My expectations appear to be too high. --Commuter student An answer that on the one hand agrees that there is a problem and on the other acknowledges there is no immediate solution is not an answer in my book. --Parent of a residence hall student

7 Parking Plan Goals Develop a plan that: provides sufficient parking space values green space does not encroach on the neighborhoods to the East and North creates a pedestrian and bicycle friendly campus provides parking for a reasonable cost is responsive to convenience

8 Campus Parking Plan Close Woodland Ave. to create parking

9 Campus Parking Plan Acquire Axle- Tech property and create new surface lots

10 Campus Parking Plan Redirect traffic from Algoma and High onto new, enhanced Pearl Avenue

11 Campus Parking Plan Close Algoma Blvd. to create pedestrian friendly campus

12 Campus Parking Plan Close section of Elmwood Ave. to create pedestrian friendly campus

13 Campus Parking Plan Build two parking garages

14 Campus Parking Plan Remove three existing lots to create new green space.

15 Campus Parking Plan High Street to become two way with on-street parking. On street parking added to Osceola and Algoma

16 City of Oshkosh Neighborhood parking may be regulated and controlled. Parking charges may apply to on-street parking surrounding the campus

17 Campus Parking Plan The parking plan creates an additional 1,453 parking spaces The plan anticipates a 10% growth in demand over the next 10 years The plan respects the need to preserve open, green space The plan supports a pedestrian friendly campus Parking is centrally located Cost is comparable to other UW institutions


19 UW System Resident Student Rates (ranked)

20 UW System Commuter Student Rates (ranked)

21 UW System Faculty/Staff Rates (ranked)

22 Assumptions Rate increases will occur over the first three years of the plan Revenue & expenses shown are over and above the current parking budget Ticket charges will increase by $5 per ticket in the second year of the plan Ramp costs are budgeted at $15,000/parking space, bonded over 20 years There will be no reduction of permit sales during construction of ramps


24 Please send your comments to: Elliott Garb Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Dempsey 148

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