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Proposals for the Identification and Prioritisation of Candidate Priority Substances under the next Review Dean Leverett Graham Merrington.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposals for the Identification and Prioritisation of Candidate Priority Substances under the next Review Dean Leverett Graham Merrington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposals for the Identification and Prioritisation of Candidate Priority Substances under the next Review Dean Leverett Graham Merrington

2 Overall Approach Second Stage Two Stages First Stage
Primarily based on procedures applied in last Review But also accounting for the outputs of last review First Stage Re-evaluation of outputs of last Review Ensures outputs of last review are utilised to the maximum extent Identifies ‘high risk’ candidates without need for ‘re-prioritisation’ Second Stage Monitoring and Modelling-based Ranking Exercises considering; New candidate Substances (not considered in last review) Substances included in last review but not prioritised owing to lacking information Substances included in last review (and not prioritised) for which underpinning data has changed since last review

3 Monitoring-based Ranking
Proposed criteria for data acceptance of monitoring data; Only substances monitored at least 4 MS in the same matrix? 90th percentile of monitored concentrations as opposed to mean concentrations (to try and account for seasonal variation)? Criterion which establishes cases where the LOD is significantly above the screening PNEC or similar?

4 Modelling-based Ranking
Inclusion of metals and certain organo-metal substances Possibly by use of a metal-specific, parallel modelling approach. Such an approach would allow a combined ranking of both organic substances and metals based on the PEC/PNEC ratio. REACH registration data is used to improve the quality of the exercise All QSAR and other quantitative tools used in the previous prioritisation are reviewed to ensure fitness for purpose Updates to the ECETOC TRA tool are appraised to determine if any would be useful to the process PNEC values should be harmonised between approaches (monitoring and modelling)

5 Sources of Candidate Substances (for Modelling-based Ranking Exercise)
Substances added to PPP Directive Annex I since last review Substances added to Biocides Directive Annex I since last review REACH Substances designated as SVHC since last review Substances considered to be PBT or vPvB since the last review (and not designated as REACH SVHC) High tonnage production substances and those with uses consistent with environmental release Substances prioritised by MS as Specific Pollutants Pharmaceuticals (pre-ranked based on risk?) Substances for which modelling-based risk could not be assessed owing to a lack of data, or which were not prioritised but for which new underpinning information is now available.


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