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Answer: c Mrs. Pines Room 105 8th Grade ELA Daily Activity: Standard English Monday 3/12/18 Justin had earned a reputation for figuring things out and.

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Presentation on theme: "Answer: c Mrs. Pines Room 105 8th Grade ELA Daily Activity: Standard English Monday 3/12/18 Justin had earned a reputation for figuring things out and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Answer: c Mrs. Pines Room 105 8th Grade ELA Daily Activity: Standard English Monday 3/12/18 Justin had earned a reputation for figuring things out and getting people out of otherwise hopeless situations. Think About It! Directions: Answer the following prompt using details from personal experiences or other knowledge obtained from your academic studies in a well-developed paragraph. Use a turn around sentence. 1. What does reputation mean? a. one’s personality b. an award c. how one is thought of by others 1. Why do “birds of a feather flock together?” What can we do as a society to change this societal norm? d. the support of others

2 Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank Unit IV Outcomes and Reading Goals
Analyze the elements of persuasion and argument. Use standard grammar conventions in written and spoken language. Reading Goals: Describe characters and their relationships. Identify conflicts and influences Analyze persuasive elements, culture, and behavior via different mediums Make inferences and predictions based on human behavior Essential Question: What effect does your perceptions have on your reality?

3 Agenda 3/12/2018 Daily Activity/Discussion 5 mins.
Library Visit 30 mins. Anticipatory Set/Discussion 5 mins. Elements of Persuasion notes 40 mins.. Silent Reading 15 mins. Make-Up Work 20 mins. Four Corners 15 mins.

4 Anticipatory Set

5 Answer: d Mrs. Pines Room 105 8th Grade ELA Daily Activity: Standard English Tuesday 3/13/18 His parents pleaded with him to clean out his room. Think About It! Directions: Answer the following prompt using details from personal experiences or other knowledge obtained from your academic studies in a well-developed paragraph. Use a turn around sentence. Turn in the all of the Think About it! Prompts on Friday! 2. Which word is a synonym for pleaded? a. ignored b. asked c. pushed 2. Analyze the picture to the left. What is its purpose? d. begged Culture24

6 Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank Unit IV Outcomes and Reading Goals
Analyze the elements of persuasion and argument. Use standard grammar conventions in written and spoken language. Reading Goals: Describe characters and their relationships. Identify conflicts and influences Analyze persuasive elements, culture, and behavior via different mediums Make inferences and predictions based on human behavior Essential Question: What effect does your perceptions have on your reality?

7 Agenda 3/13/2018 Daily Activity/Discussion 10 mins.
Silent Reading 15 mins. Anticipatory Set/Discussion 5 mins. Continue with Persuasive Notes 30 mins. “Excerpt from Trail of Tears Diary” 30 mins. Read Like a Reader/Read Like a Writer 30 mins Commercial Analysis Examples 30 mins.

8 Anticipatory Set

9 Answer: b Mrs. Pines Room 105 8th Grade ELA Daily Activity: Standard English Wednesday 3/14/18 But she was very patient and remained focused on her goal. Think About It! Directions: Answer the following prompt using details from personal experiences or other knowledge obtained from your academic studies in a well-developed paragraph. Use a turn around sentence. Turn in all of your Think About It! Prompts on Friday! 3. What is an antonym for the word focused? a. bothered b. disinterested c. tired d. concerned 3. Analyze the picture to the left. What is its purpose? What can you do to help? PBWorks

10 Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank Unit IV Outcomes and Reading Goals
Analyze the elements of persuasion and argument. Use standard grammar conventions in written and spoken language. Reading Goals: Describe characters and their relationships. Identify conflicts and influences Analyze persuasive elements, culture, and behavior via different mediums Make inferences and predictions based on human behavior Essential Question: What effect does your perceptions have on your reality?

11 Agenda 3/14/2018 Daily Activity/Discussion 5 mins.
Silent Reading 15 mins. Anticipatory Set 10 mins. “Influence of Mass Media on Today’s Young People” 30 mins. Read Like a Reader/Read Like a Writer 30 mins.

12 Anticipatory Set

13 Mrs. Pines Room 105 8th Grade ELA Daily Activity: Standard English
Mrs. Pines Room 105 8th Grade ELA Daily Activity: Standard English Thursday 3/15/18 Jane Goodall is now the world’s most renowned authority on chimpanzees, having studied their behavior for nearly forty years. Think About It! Directions: Answer the following prompt using details from personal experiences or other knowledge obtained from your academic studies in a well-developed paragraph. Use a turn around sentence. Turn in all of your Think About it! prompts on Friday! 4. What does authority mean? a. an intelligent person b. one who studies animals c. a scientist 4. Why is it important respect those who have authority over us? d. an expert Answer: d

14 Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank Unit IV Outcomes and Reading Goals
Analyze the elements of persuasion and argument. Use standard grammar conventions in written and spoken language. Reading Goals: Describe characters and their relationships. Identify conflicts and influences Analyze persuasive elements, culture, and behavior via different mediums Make inferences and predictions based on human behavior Essential Question: What effect does your perceptions have on your reality?

15 Agenda 3/15/2018 Daily Activity/Discussion 5 mins.
Silent Reading 15 mins. Anticipatory Set 5 mins. “How the News Media Works” 30 mins. Read Like a Reader/Read Like a Writer 30 mins. Groups Activity 15 mins.

16 Anticipatory Set

17 Mrs. Pines Room 105 8th Grade ELA Daily Activity: Standard English/Critical Thinking Friday 3/16/18
5. What is the correct hyphenated word? Think About It! A. moon-shaped Directions: Answer the following prompt using details from personal experiences or other knowledge obtained from your academic studies in a well-developed paragraph. Use a turn around sentence. Turn in all of your Think About it! prompts on Friday! B. fur-was C. shoe-whether D. available-thin 5. Analyze the picture to the left. How can this be used to persuade? What would be the target audience? What products could you promote using this photo graph? Answer: a

18 Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank Unit IV Outcomes and Reading Goals
Analyze the elements of persuasion and argument. Use standard grammar conventions in written and spoken language. Reading Goals: Describe characters and their relationships. Identify conflicts and influences Analyze persuasive elements, culture, and behavior via different mediums Make inferences and predictions based on human behavior Essential Question: What effect does your perceptions have on your reality?

19 Agenda Daily Activity/Discussion 5 mins. Silent Reading 15 mins.
Anticipatory Set 5 mins. How the News Media Works! 30 mins. Practice LEAP (Research) 45mins.

20 Anticipatory Set

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