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DEB applications for Aquaculture

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1 DEB applications for Aquaculture
Integration with MOHID 5th International Symposium on Dynamic Energy Budget Theory | 1st June 2017 Inês Lopes

2 Overview Introduction DEB theory MOHID Current state Changes
Case study Conclusions

3 Introduction Aquaculture 1 108 M ton 3 365 M € 3.4% and 3.8% growth
14-15 thousand In the European Union Aquaculture production reached million tons and billion Euros. (2012) Increase of 3.4% and 3.8% respectively, comparing with 2011. 14-15 thounsand enterprises, 90% of those are micro-enterprises (<10 employees). Marine sector is the most profitable one Modelling MOHID and DEB Modelers – End Users – Decision Makers

4 Conservation of Energy and Mass
DEB Theory Basic Principals Individuals follow thermodynamic laws Describes all organisms, changing parameters Follows empirical patterns Conservation of Energy and Mass Individuals are a metabolic organization => Energy and Mass balances Conservation of energy and Mass => Laws of biology (hard to follow in a sub and supra individual level) All organisms follow those rules changes in a parameter values are sufficient to capture these changes

5 DEB Theory Maturity / Reproduction Reserve Structure Embryo Juvenile
Maintenance Reserve Mobilization Structure Somatic Assimilation Growth 2 state variables - Reserve and Structure Flows - Assimilation, Somatic maintenance, Growth 1 other state variables - Maturity / Reproductive Buffer Flows - Maturity maintenance and maturity/reproduction flux DONT FORGET TO MENTION KAPPA RULE AND PRIORITY TO MAINTENANCE Also dependence on life stage Embryo Juvenile Adult

6 MOHID Hydrodicamic model; Object oriented, fortran 95;
3D models of water bodies; Different spatial scales and processes; Hydrodynamics, Water properties, Atmospheric, Water surface Nested models; Mathematical models, using Fortran 95, object oriented 3D models of water. Bodies Different spatial scales,(estuaries, oceans) physical processes Modelos encaixados Several processes , each handled by different models, Hydrodynamic processes, water surface processes, calculates water properties and atmospheric processes

7 Integration of DEB and MOHID
Initial Conditions Forcing NH4 PON MOHID Hydrodynamics Water Quality Benthic Ecology Interface Sediment Water Chla_a Reserve Temperature Reproduction Structure Maturation O2 Phyto DEB Outputs

8 Integration of DEB and MOHID – current state
Reserve Mobilization Structure Somatic Maintenance Assimilation Maturity / Reproduction Maturity Maintenance Handled by ligia 2013 based on Dabrwoski 2013, it follows the theory mentioned before, with a few details Only for juveniles and adults The flow to maturity maintenance uses an approximation that KX and KM are equal, well we'll discuss implications of this later on , old assumptions for pj Oxygen consumption is …… Some other changes were performed to improve coherence with deb theory and notation

9 Changes - Maturity maintenance

10 Changes - Oxygen consumption

11 Changes - Advantages and Disadvantages
Maturity Adds a state variable and parameters. Oxygen Mass balance for minerals; In compliance with DEB theory. Adds many new parameters;

12 Case study Thermal power plant discharge benefit the growth of Sparus aurata? Sines, Portugal Sparus aurata

13 Case study Schematic tank was assembled to check model results and species parameters Cells : 5m x 5m Depth : 15m DEB Parameters Number of individuals per cell 1 year f=1 Constant temperature

14 Case study Schematic tank was assembled to check model results and species parameters

15 Case study Schematic tank was assembled to check model results and species parameters

16 Case study Nested models approach Food? January Temperature (⁰C)
Velocity Modulus (m/s) Food?

17 Conclusions DEB model sucessfully incorporated with MOHID;
Changes performed improved model results; Application to different species; Importance of food on growth and costs;

18 Future work Implement embryo life stage; Implement survival rates;
Test effect of temperature on production; Food quality and quantity. Implement embryo life stage,, not key for aquaculture but important for DEB Implement survival rates for salinity for instance Implement in Sines, check influence of termic plume in the growth of juveniles

19 References D. V. Salgueiro, H. de Pablo, R. Neves and M. Mateus (2015). "Modelling the thermal effluent of a near coast power plant (Sines, Portugal)." Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Dabrowski, T., K. Lyons, M. Curé, A. Berry and G. Nolan (2013). "Numerical modelling of spatio- temporal variability of growth of Mytilus edulis (L.) and influence of its cultivation on ecosystem functioning." Journal of Sea Research 76: 5-21. Kooijman, S. A. L. M. (2010). Dynamic energy Budget theory for metabolic organisation, Cambridge University Press. Pinto, L., M. Mateus, I. Ascione, G. Franz and R. Neves (2013). Modelling mussel growth in the Tagus estuary: A preliminary approach. Ocean modelling for coastal management – Case studies with MOHID. I. Press:

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